Page 18 of Consumed By Desire

Standing up, I do a half-assed yoga stretch. I have no idea how to ask Asher for an interview now. It’s weird. We’re not exactly seeing each other but we did go out to a high-profile event and we slept together, so I can’t say there’s nothing between us. I don’t know how to reconcile that with having to do an objective interview with him.

I pace around in front of the living room windows. This is way more complicated than it should be. Maybe I should tell Zan that I can’t write this article because I’m too close to the subject.

As if that wouldn’t be committing career suicide.

After listening to all the stories that Peyton told me once she was certain that Zan had left the bar and there was absolutely no chance of her overhearing, I know for sure that my new boss isn’t one to take no for an answer. Not from anyone and especially not a brand-new hire.

I snort when I think of trying to turn down this assignment as a newbie who’s basically on the writing world’s equivalent of probation. I’d be let go so fast and get bad-mouthed to any possible future employers. Like Peyton kept telling me, Zan didn’t get to where she is by playing softball.

I rub my eyes and take a couple more photos to post later. I can’t get out of this. Maybe it doesn’t matter. It’s not like Asher jumped to ask me out again. He did make it crystal clear that he’s not interested in dating. The reality is that we barely know each other. If I want to be an investigative journalist, there’s no way I can turn down my first assignment with any publication at all, especially one like City Scan.

Maybe once my story runs Asher will be so impressed that he’ll ask me out again. Either way, I’ve got to do it. I’ll head over to his place and see how it goes. If nothing else, I could ask him if I could start interviewing his co-CEOs. Zan made it clear that although Asher’s the ideal, any one of them that could be convinced to open up would be good. All three of them would be perfection. So if I start with one of Asher’s colleagues, I could possibly see what he thinks after that.

Yes. That’s it. Before I lose my nerve, I give my hair and makeup a quick check. There’s no time like the present and I don’t want to lose my resolve. I’m doing this right now.

It’s not the very best idea to just drop in on Asher at his home, but what the hell. Part of my new life is to be bold and daring. The worst he can do is to tell me to get lost because he’s busy.

I’m getting more and more into doing this. If he doesn’t want to see me at all, then I’ll know where I stand with him in every way. If he doesn’t want to go out again, I can definitely move forward and just ask him about doing an interview. Honestly that’ll be really disappointing but what the hell. I’m not going to waste my time wondering whether a guy’s into me anymore like I’ve always done in the past.

I want to know what’s up and I want to know it now.

New life, I repeat to myself as I walk down the hall. I’m almost shaking from nerves and excitement. Taking my destiny into my own hands is thrilling. I tap quietly at the door just incase Asher’s napping or something, although he doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who takes naps. He’s got a vibe that shows he’s always on the go.

It’s going to take everything in me to match his energy to make this a successful interview. Asher’s going to be a very tricky subject to talk to. I’m going to need to use all of my skills to get him to open up to me.

Normally I’d shy away from even consider interviewing someone as high-powered as him, but that was the old me. The new me’s going to dive right in no matter how nervous I am. I can do this.

At the sound of footsteps coming towards the door, I throw my shoulders back. I’m a professional journalist and I’m ready for anything.

The door opens and my jaw actually falls open.

It’s not Asher who’s standing in front of me. I’m frozen from shock as I stare into the familiar face of someone I never thought I’d see again.

“Hello,” the man says. “Can I help you?”

“Um. Sorry, wrong apartment.” I turn on my heel and stride down the hall as fast as I can before he can say another word.

Holy fuck. That was Logan Blair.

The name ricochets around in my mind as I close the door behind me and sink back against it. I haven’t laid eyes on Logan since high school graduation. What the hell is he doing in this building?

Let alone in Asher’s apartment.

I start to pace around the enormous living room. The light’s catching the buildings in a spectacular way and even that isn’t enough to distract me.

My old enemy from back in high school.I probably shouldn’t be bothered by him now, but it wasn’t that long ago. Maybe it isn’t too weird that I’m still upset about it. He was the entirereason I had a terrible couple of years. It was all his fault and I never forgave him.

I thought that guy was out of my life for good. Riley’s my only high school friend that I haven’t drifted away from. All of us used to meet for drinks nearly every week but soon enough, that went down to only once a month. Now I can’t even remember the last time we all got together.

There’s no way Logan could possibly be friends with Asher.

If they are, I don’t know what that says about Asher. The kind of friends a man keeps says a lot about him. Then again, he didn’t go to our school. He wouldn’t know what Logan was like then.

I make a decision. None of this matters. Asher and I are neighbors. Nothing more. As much as that makes my heart sink, it’s got to be for the best. I wanted something to happen with Asher, but he’s way out of my league anyway. No wonder he hasn’t asked me out yet. There’s no way he’s interested.

I’m going to interview him and that’ll be that. We can say hello when we pass each other in the hallway. That’s it. I’ll text him later to ask about setting up a formal meeting.

In the meantime, I don’t know what to do with myself. I was secretly hoping that dropping by Asher’s place would turn into an afternoon of hot sex after a great interview. Now I don’t have either option. My shift doesn’t start until tonight. I can’t sit still long enough to curl up with a book for a couple of hours.