Page 15 of Consumed By Desire

“One of my top five,” I say. As much as I’m resisting the idea of trying a blog again, thinking about my new job gives me a warm glow.

“So let’s go out. There’s nothing wrong with hitting a bar early on a weeknight when we’ve got something like this to celebrate,” she says.

“I wish I could, but I can’t tonight. How about on the weekend?”

“What are you up to tonight?” Riley asks. “Another hot date with your hot neighbor?”

“If only.” Asher’s texted me a couple of times but he hasn’t suggested getting together again. “I’ve got to meet up for drinks with some of the other writers at City Scan. My boss wants me to meet them in person even though I’m not going to be working in the office.”

“Really? Why?”

“She wants me to talk to them and find out how everything works at City Scan and how to approach assignments. Stuff like that. Zan didn’t come out and say it but I get the strong impression that it’s mandatory that I go. She wants me to get to know their style and everything. As if I don’t know it already.” I’ve been reading City Scan since it started up. I don’t think there’s anything I need to learn that I don’t know already.

“Then why doesn’t she want you to work in the office with them?”

I laugh. “No idea. She barely gave me her attention during the interview and I imagine the writers will be the same. I’ve got to go anyway.” I roll my eyes. “I want to make a good impression and show that I’m a team player.”

“Yikes. Good luck. I guess I really should go home and study instead of going out.” Riley sounds dejected. “Have some fun for me, okay?”

“I will. Don’t worry, we’ll celebrate really soon,” I tell her as we hug goodbye.

I head inside the unfamiliar bar. It’s one of several that aren’t far from the office that I haven’t even set foot in yet.

It’s really cool, definitely upscale but it’s got an artist’s loft vibe about it. The clear lights looped over metal rods above the bar cast a subtle sheen on its black glass surface. It’s miles different from the pubs I hang out at. I wonder fleetingly if drinks are going to be on the company because I can only afford a grand total of one in a place like this. I almost choked when I checked out the menu on my way here. The cheapest drink is equal to the price of about five at the local places Riley and I go to whenever we can.

Way too late I realize I should’ve asked my new boss how to find the group. I want to ask the host in case they’re regulars here but he’s busy bantering back-and-forth with large group of men in suits that arrived just ahead of me.

I’m going to wait until he’s free. There’s no way I’m staying here if I can’t connect with my new coworkers. I’m getting a little impatient when someone pops out of the crowd, sweeping up to me in a cloud of perfume and perfect hair and stilettos. “Elena. There you are,” she exclaims.

Thankfully I recognize her from our meeting. “Hello, Zan.” I raise my voice so she can hear me. “I didn’t know you’d be coming tonight.”

“Come on,” she grabs hold of my arm. “Everyone’s over here.” She drags me to the opposite side of the room. Everyone’s just gotten off work and the place is so crowded I can barely hear what Zan’s saying to me over her shoulder. I hope it’s not anything I need to know because her words are getting lost among the loud voices, raucous laughter and music that’s playing in the background.

She stops to deposit me with a group of women just as beautiful and stylish as she is. I’m happy that I wore my one dress that I thought would be suitable. I nailed it, as much as I could without buying something new. I’m not wearing any labels like the others but I think I fit in as much as I need to.

“This is the new one. Let her know what’s what.” Zan walks off without introducing me to anyone.

I try to keep my balance on the heels I’m not very used to wearing as a large man bumps into me.

“We’re drinking Brooklyns,” one of them says to me as she flags down a busy waiter. “Are you in?”

“Absolutely,” I say. I’ve never had one before but why not. Unless I see a corporate credit card coming out, this has to be my one drink for the night. I’m crossing my fingers hard that no one will notice.

“So you’re the newbie.” The sleek woman in the sheer cut out top with the really cool trouser pants says to me. “Lanna, right?”

“Elena.” I give her a cool smile. “Elena Olson.”

“I’m Peyton. You’re new to City Scan, or new to journalism in general?” All of them are exactly the kind of upscale Manhattan women who’d normally intimidate me. All blonde except for one with long waves of dark hair cascading down her back. They’re all so incredibly put together. I try to adjust my hair discreetly.

“Both,” I tell her. “I studied at NYU and this is my first real writing job.”

The dark-haired one frowns at me. “Then it’s even more surprising that you landed the feature that you did. I also don’t envy you. When I first started, Zan gave me the easy, boring ones. Here you are jumping right into the fire.”

I frown. “I don’t think that’s right. I haven’t gotten an assignment yet. Zan only just hired me.

One of the others glances at Peyton. “I thought it was you that got the big scoop. Am I wrong?”

Peyton’s eyes narrow as she turns to examine more closely. “Zan hasn’t mentioned anything to me. You got the new feature? How’s that even possible?”