Page 25 of Consumed By Desire

I wonder if any of the bedrooms have some too. Somehow I quell my desire to walk down the hallway that Julian disappeared into and check for myself. When I came in, I noticed that all of the doors are closed. I’d have to open one to peer inside and that’d really cross the line into snooping.

I’m back to sitting down when Julian returns with a notepad in hand.

“This might help you understand what we’re doing. Back when I was teaching, I always found that sketching out ideas was quite helpful to my students.”

He’s right. After five minutes, I understand what he’s talking about so much better. The basic science that I took in school is even a little helpful here. “That’s so interesting. Are you really going to be able to cure cancer?”

“That’s one of our goals. It’s one that we make a point of keeping secret. It’s such a broad claim to make that it would be met with an extreme amount of skepticism, and quite rightly so. We need to progress without that kind of scrutiny and criticism so we avoid letting big claims be made by anyone. If they did, it could affect our ability to attract the investors that we need in order to keep going.”

He rubs at his forehead. “It’s tragic that scientific research can depend so heavily on the financial whims of other people, don’t you think? Once we’ve got government approval, I’d invite anyone to examine our product from every possible angle. Just not yet. Timing is key. Speculation can only distract and do damage at this point. As I mentioned the faster we launch, the better. It’s critical that patients who need the medication will have it available as soon as possible.”

“That’s so fascinating, Julian. You must be proud.”

“Yes.” His face changes in a way I don’t expect and he doesn’t continue.

“So Vivojen belongs to all three of you?” I ask.

“That’s right. Asher and Logan and I started it together.” He lapses into silence once again. Julian’s only animated and interested when he’s talking about the science side of things, but I’ve got to press him.

“How did you all meet?” I prompt him.

“Back in college,’ he says. “Logan and I were roommates and Asher wound up next door to us. We all clicked as friends. Eventually we decided to leave the dorm and rent a house together. Once I decided what specialty I was going to pursue after I graduated, Asher had the idea of him and Logan and I all working together. So they do the business side and I run the research side. We all work extremely well together. I couldn’t ask for better partners.”

“So what about your life outside of work,” I ask him. “It seems like you’re quite busy.”

His brow creases. “What do you mean?”

“Oh, you know. What do you guys do for fun? What are your hobbies? Any girlfriends?” I can’t help but toss in the last question. I want to know if Asher’s seeing anybody else. I don’t want to get tied up with a player. I had enough of that crap with my ex. Never again.

“I’m very focused on my work. I have various teams to advise and oversee. When I’m not in the lab, I’m doing research and analysis. There’s really no time for anything else. My work is my passion. There’s nothing else I’d rather do.”

“That must make it hard to have a relationship,” I say.

“It does.” Julian’s suddenly direct, meeting my eyes in a way that catches me completely off guard. I expected him to dismiss the idea entirely. “It’s the reason I’m divorced.”

“You were married?” I realize too late that I sound way too shocked. Julian’s obviously a nice guy. He took time out of his day to talk to me, a total stranger. There’s no doubt that he’s very attractive. I never got the appeal of a science guy until now.

Before I can backtrack, he smiles wistfully. “I was. Very briefly. It was right after I finished my first degree and it didn’t last long at all. Turns out that she didn’t quite believe that I was serious when I said my work takes up most of my time. I think she expected me to change after we walked down the aisle, but I can’t change who I am. Or my reasons for what I do. No romantic relationship can come first for me. Definitely not before we launch and probably not even then. Things will only get more interesting from there on out.”

“That makes sense.” Although I don’t quite get it. I can’t see being so devoted to anything that I wouldn’t want a companion by my side too. Then again, Julian’s passion for what he does is really next level. I love writing and there’s nothing I want more than to be a journalist, but I don’t think I have the same level of commitment that Julian does.

Of course my work’s also a lot less consuming than his is. From what I can gather from all of his explanations, everything is so connected and there’s no real end point when you’re involved in such high-level research that you come up with world-changing innovations. Once I’ve written an article, it’s done and I can move onto the next thing. I’m also done when I decide I am, when I’ve explained everything that I need to explain. I like having an end point. I’m not sure I could immerse myself in something as ongoing and endless as Julian is.

His work also clearly takes a lot of concentration. He’s gazing at his pad before he starts sketching something else out which I wouldn’t have the hope of understanding. Yet by the time he’s done explaining, I do. “You must’ve been a great teacher. Do you still do it?”

“No.” His eyes get a faraway look that’s almost regretful. “I miss teaching, but it’s simply not possible. Vivojen is my life’s work. It’s essential. There’s no room for anything else.”

Chapter 12


After a brief search I find Julian in one of the spare bedrooms that Asher’s given him to use as his own office. He’s intent on what he’s doing, completely focussed as usual. I bet he’s been working like this for hours without stopping. It’s time he took a break. I have something very specific in mind to capture his interest.

Stepping up behind him, I set my hands on his shoulders. He doesn’t stop staring at his screen, doesn’t even pause. Hell, he doesn’t so much as acknowledge my existence until I start to rub my thumbs into his tense muscles.

“What’re you doing?” I ask him as I press firmly into his shoulder blades.

“I’m reviewing some new data,” Julian says.