Page 117 of A Naked Beauty

“Has a nice ring to it.” He tips his glass toward me in a mocking toast. “Have to get something out of you for the shit you and your mother made of my life.”

“Now who’s whining? You’ve been working that for ages. The beatings…the blackmail. I’ve paid you to protect my family. And now you want more.”

“I’m just taking my due.”

Having all I need, I push my glass aside and lean in. “You’re not due a fucking thing.”

I have the pleasure of watching that smug look collapse. He lowers his glass to the table, his face hard and mean. “Don’t try screwing with me, boy. You won’t like the outcome.”

“Save it, old man.” My words slice the air, ready to end this. “The monthly payments stop now. The blackmail stops now. You don’t come to me for another cent. Not one fucking penny.”

“Fuck you,” he snarls. “You try cutting me off and see what I do.”

“Your days of calling the shots are over. I have a one-time offer. You retire now. Go out in all your glory as the long-term respected sheriff. You’ll sell the house and the property to me for $5 million, more than double the value. Move far away from Illinois. And Dee, my family, and I will never see or hear from you again.”

He laughs. “In what fantasy world is that happening?”

“No fantasy. Take the deal or leave it.” I shrug. “But taking it is the only way you get any more money and I get to have you gone. Win-win.”

“I’m not going anywhere except straight to Rita and O’Malley if you attempt to pull this shit.”

“That wouldn’t be a smart move. You see I got the 4-1-1 on you,” I say, mimicking his words when threatening me with Dee’s story. “A wife and child abuser. A drunk. A blackmailer.

“The scandal of the Springvale Sheriff who happens to have a famous son would make for national headlines. The mayor and city council will kick you out on your ass. You’ll lose your pension. Your reputation. You’ll be investigated for extortion and abuse of power. On top of that, I’ll file a lawsuit for damages that will bleed you dry in legal fees alone. Did you know that the statute of limitations to bring a civil suit against you for abuse isn’t up for another five years? I still have time.”

“You don’t have shit. You’d never tell this story.”

“Try me.”

“Think I will.” He finishes off his whiskey and sits back like he doesn’t have a care in the world. Underestimating me. “Not only don’t you have the balls, who would even believe you?”

“Anyone I let hear this.” I reach inside the front pocket of my jeans and pull out the tiny recorder.

“What the fuck?” He lunges forward to grab for the device, but I keep it out of reach.

“Taking this one won’t do you any good,” I say mildly, my composure unflappable. “Everything you’ve said has already been backed up to themain unit. A little extra insurance. So, if you even think about doing anything to harm Dee or anyone else that I love, consider this:

“As soon as you do, a copy of this recording gets sent to Mayor Griffin. Another to the press. And one I’ll gladly keep to use in my lawsuit.”

“Fuck you.”

I laugh. “You’re the one that’s fucked, Malcolm. Take the deal and start over. But know this, either way, I’m done.”

Dee greets me at thedoor. I’d called her on my way to assure her that I was fine. Yet those perceptive amber eyes still search mine with tenderness and worry. I long to pull her into my arms, to bask in the comfort I know she wants to give. But the sweet, clean smell of her makes me achingly aware that I still have the bar grime and the stench of Malcolm on me.

“Going to grab a shower,” I say, eager to wash away the night.

Dee, seeming to understand, gets me a towel and turns on the water.

“Need anything else?” she asks.

Just you. But I don’t say that. “I’m good for now.”

“Okay.” Dee lingers a moment, then leaves me in the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and strip off my clothes, tossing them in the hamper. When the water is hot enough and the small bathroom starts to fill with steam, I step beneath the spray. I let it pour over my head and body before I pick up my wash and clean myself with economical quickness. Then I just stand there letting the water hit my stiff muscles. Watching it swirl and twist down the drain.

That’s when I feel the waft of cool air. I turn my head. See a flash of Dee’s nakedness before she steps in behind me. She winds her arms beneath mine, her hands at my chest. I shift restlessly, growing hard. As if I could be anything else when Dee’s soft body is pressed against me so close that there is no end to her and no beginning of me. But if I take her now, it will be out of selfishness. I’m too raw. The meeting, too fresh.