Page 7 of A Naked Beauty

“Mis hijos preciosos!” She drops the dish towel on the counter and hurries over to throw her arms around us.

I hug her hard. She’s cushiony soft and smells like nutmeg and sweet memories. “It’s so good to see you again, Mama T. Thank you for inviting me.”

“You are not a guest, mi hija. You are home.” She dabs beneath her eyes with the crook of her forefingers. “Let me look at the two of you together…ah…perfecto. I wish Cayo were here to see this.”

“I’ll take good care of her, Mama T. Make you and Cayo proud.”

“I have no doubts, mi hijo.” She lifts up on tiptoe to pat Mick’s cheek. “You both picked well.”

My emotions are reeling when Maria comes from around the center island. We openly stare at each other. Getting height from her father, she’s almost as tall as my five-feet-nine, and adulthood has rounded out her once coltish body. I can’t stop the flow of tears. We both reach out and converge in a swaying embrace.

“I’m sorry.” It’s not the most private time to voice my apology, but the words pour out of me. “I’m sorry for leaving, for missing you growing up…for hurting you.”

“Ssh…” She cries too. “All that matters is I have my big sister back.”

Gabi and Mama T join, circling us in a group hug, their tears falling just as hard.

“Why’s you all crying, Mommy?” Dani asks, tugging at her mother’s pant leg, her tiny voice distressed.

“These aren’t sad tears, honey.” Maria sniffles and squats down to assure her daughter. “We’re just happy to see your Aunt Dee again.”

“How come you haven’t seed her? Was you lost, Aunt Dee?” She looks up at me in confusion.

“Yes, Dani. I was lost for a while, but your Uncle Mick found me.”

My eyes seek out his. They hold me in a deep caress as we share this special moment, the reunion that if not for his persistence, his love, may never have happened.

“Don’t get lost again,” Dani warns sternly, shaking her finger.

I swipe at my wet cheeks. “No. I won’t. Not ever again.”

“Gotta keep our girl-to-boy ratio even around here,” Maria says, lightening the mood.

“Like you alone aren’t army enough.” Maria’s husband steps forward. Clear blue eyes full of humor, ginger hair that’s tied in a stubby ponytail, and a thick mustache and beard covers the lower half of his face. He’s about five-ten and burly; brings to mind a mountainman. His apron reads:In this house only 2 rules apply. #1 She’s the boss. #2 See Rule #1. “Hi Dee, I’m James. Welcome home.”

“Hi, James.” I go to extend my hand but he wraps me in a bear hug that squeezes the breath out of me.

My foster brother, Victor, similar to Papa T with his dark features and laid back style, strolls over for a familiar ruffle of my curls. “Hey, Brat. Is Mick taking good care of you or do I have to beat him up?”

“He’s doing okay,” I say with a smile.

He taps his fist to Mick’s and they share a half hug. Two tall, strong, handsome men, that couldn’t be more like brothers.

“What a pair they make,” Isabelle says, coming up beside me.

“I was just thinking the same.”

I don’t know Victor’s wife well yet. I’ve only met her twice. First, at my office with Dwayde, and then last Thursday when I showed up at her house to tell all to Victor, and he invited me to stay for dinner. True to what I’ve seen of her affectionate and optimistic nature, she gives me an exuberant hug.

“I’m so glad you and Mick found each other again.”

“I wish it could have been under better circumstances.” Not the custody case.

“I have faith. You and Mick will get your happy ending. And Victor, Dwayde, and I will get ours.”

I give her another hug because more than anything I want both to be true.

Justin and Dani jump around among the excitement and Mick engages Dwayde in a tussle that has him snorting with laughter. When I approach, his laugh skids to a halt and a wary look overtakes those big Franklin eyes.