Page 2 of A Naked Beauty

“Excellent features,” I say, with him still thickly nestled inside me.

I wouldn’t have thought it was possible, but for once in my life, I reject the notion that my happiness is the light before the dark, the foreshadowing of the black clouds I’ve come to expect. Instead, I invite it in with the morning sun. A new day. A new beginning. My second chance to have everything I’ve ever wanted: Mick and my family.

We’re all having brunch today at Maria’s. I’m excited and nervous at the same time. It’s been fifteen years since I’ve seen my foster sister. She was only eleven when I left. Now, a grown woman, a wife and mother, who owns an organic farm with her husband, James.

“Are brunches still the same?” I ask.

“What do you mean?” He rolls onto his back and brings me with him.

I snuggle into his side. “Does everyone still help with the preparations? That was the best part.” Even though as a teenager I hoveredalong the perimeter, apprehensive about joining in, Sunday brunches were still my favorites.

“Yeah.” He smiles in a pure gesture of how much he loves them too. “Mama T wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“I remember you always tried to get out of doing the dishes,” I tease.

“Not always. I never tried with you.”

“Why was that?”

“It gave me an excuse to be with you.”

I draw the sheet up to my chest and push to one elbow, searching his face. “Seriously?”

“I’d use any opportunity to be next to you. To pretend to accidentally touch hands, brush shoulders....”

“I didn’t know that was on purpose.” My insecurities being what they were, I had no idea that the gorgeous and popular Micah Peters had any interest in me other than as the foster sister to his best friend. “I used to get all tingly and hoped you wouldn’t notice.”

“I noticed.” He glides his fingers down my arm causing me to shiver. “Seems I still make you tingly.”

“Mick…” I draw a breath of willpower. “We should get ready.”

He eyes the clock on the side table and returns with a gleaming gaze. “We have a little time.”

“Not enough for that.”

“I do my best work under pressure.”

I push at him, laughing. “I bet you do, but I don’t want to be late.”

“Shower with me then.” He stands and takes my palm in his.

I pull the sheet around me with my free hand and hold it to my chest as he leads me to the bathroom, the white cotton train trailing my steps.

He turns on the taps, adjusting the water to the near scalding temperature we both prefer. The tiny confinement soon billows with steam.

“Just a shower,” I warn, knowing my weakness for him.

Mick’s hot grin penetrates the vaporous cloud as he tugs away the sheet. “I make no promises other than to get you to brunch on time.”

Showers are extremely awesome whenthey end with Mick on his knees and his mouth on me. I’m still flushed as I shimmy a pair of sheer pink panties up my legs and under my robe.

Regardless of how far I’ve come this weekend—showering together, skimpy lingerie, making love in the light of day—I still don’t have the nerve to parade around the house naked or to even look at my body unclothed. When in the throes of passion, I let go. But I still have my insecurities.

Mick, on the other hand, immodestly naked—with good reason—has no trouble strolling across the room. I watch the play of muscles in his very firm, very fine ass. He sets his duffle bag atop the bed and rummages through it to retrieve a pair of underwear.

I’ve never had this before. The intimate day-to-day stuff.

“What?” He catches my stare.