Page 161 of A Naked Beauty

“See how I’m learning?”

“I see that you’re topping from the bottom again.”

“You love that.”

“In bed, yes, out of bed, we compromise.”

“Here’s the compromise, baby: I have to do this but I’ll alleviate your worries with a promise that I’m going to keep my cool. I have too much to lose by going off on him in a public place. Trust me.”

“I do.”

“That’s all I need. I’ll call you soon.”

“K. Be careful. Oh, and Mick?”


“Thanks for telling me.” I can feel her soft smile.

“Love you, beauty.”

I end the call to Stiles dividing his gaze between O’Malley’s front door and me. “Got it squared away with your wife?” he asks with a rare hint of amusement.

“Calling me whipped?” I blow out a short chuckle, secure in my manhood.

“Nope. Marriage suits you.”

I’m surprised by his comment. “Thanks. It’s changed me in all the best ways.”

“I can see that.”

“You married, Stiles?”

“No.” His mood changes. Like a dark cloud has suddenly swept in. He looks back out the window. I don’t have the opportunity to probe the shift. “There he is,” Stiles says, diverting my attention. “Right on schedule.”

My gaze slides over to where O’Malley has stepped through his front door. As disheveled as ever, he’s dressed in khaki pants, a sloppy T-shirt hanging out of his windbreaker, and bad comb-over flapping in the breeze.

I slip on dark shades beneath my cap and cross the street. As O’Malley jogs down the steps, I intercept him at the bottom. Even with a one-stair advantage, he has to look up to reach my face. His open-mouthed shock is worth the price of being here.

“Fancy running into you, O’Malley.”

He recovers in a snap. “Well, if it isn’t the newly married Micah Peters. Congrats on your nuptials. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Thought we should talk.”

“About what?” He shoves his hands into his front pockets in a casual stance. Anyone walking by would just think we’re two guys shooting the shit. They’d be wrong.

“About your involvement in posting a fake video.”

That slaps the smug out of him, and replaces it with a flicker of fear in his eyes.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His gaze darts around. “I had nothing to do with that video being posted.”

“You seem awfully nervous for an innocent man.”

“Give me a break, Peters. How would I have even gotten it?”

“You tell me.”