‘I’m asking you now.’

‘In that case, yes, please.’

‘Shall I go away?’ Jake asked, and did, but the couple wrapped in each other’s arms didn’t notice.


KATETWISTEDTOget a look and see if the stand-up pearl-encrusted collar that framed her face was lying properly, high in the front, the contrasting low vee neckline at the back revealing the delicacy of her shoulder blades.

She had requested nothing that resembled a meringue and no train. The first wish had been granted—her dress was a column that spilled like a pool of warm ice at her feet.

The clever design made her feel taller and the ivory silk, one shade up on the colour chart than her skin tones, made her skin glow like a pearl.

Allowing for artistic over statement, Kate was happy with the results. She had a train, but it was short, and encrusted with pearls and finely embroidered wrens, which were the symbol of Renzoi.

‘You look beautiful.’

She turned to find Marco looking gorgeous in black denim and an open-necked shirt, standing watching her, a half-smile on his face.

‘It’s unlucky to see the bride in her dress before the wedding,’ she reproached sternly.

‘We’re already married,cara, and I’m happy to break tradition.’

Her expression softened into goofy adoration. ‘Not technically.’

There had been no celebrant, but the vows they had exchanged in front of their family, Kate carrying a posy of daisies, and a few close friends in Dorset the previous week had been for them a special thing. It might have no legal standing that would come with the pomp and circumstance of the full bells-and-whistles royal wedding tomorrow, but they had considered themselves bonded for life from that moment.

‘Thank you for doing that for me.’ The royal wedding had not been optional, but Marco had known how much she was dreading it and had arranged, with the help of her mum, something that was just for her. The wild flowers in jam jars decorating the tables had been the thoughtful contribution of Lady Rosa, and the tandem with the big shiny bell was the Queen’s gift, along with a new bicycle for the bridesmaid, their daughter.

‘I was checking it still fits.’ She pressed a hand to her stomach.

‘And does it?’

She nodded. ‘I won’t show for ages yet.’

‘Our secret. I like that. Keep the world out for as long as possible, or as long as Kate cannot blurt it out to everyone.’

‘It still doesn’t feel real. I don’t know how it happened.’

His lips twitched. ‘I think you should consider a planned caesarean.’

She pressed a finger to his lips. ‘Let’s just relax and enjoy this, take one step at a time and take medical advice...?’

He forced a smile. ‘You’re right.’ His glance shifted to the box on the bed. ‘Have you decided?’

Her mum had given her the box that contained everything she knew about Kate’s birth parents she possessed.

She had handed a similar one to Jake and his search had not ended happily. Kate knew the same might happen to her.

‘I’ll open it now. Will you stay?’

‘Of course,cara.’

He watched as Kate in her silk dress opened the lid as if all Pandora’s secrets were about to rush out.

‘There’s not much here,’ she said, picking up the few papers that were in it. A photo fluttered out from between the brown-edged papers.

Kate lifted it up, her eyes wide as she studied it.