
Kate propped her head on one arm and closed her eyes. ‘And the doctor really signed off on this?’

‘Heencouragedthis,’ her mum retorted. ‘It’s important to stretch during cool down, Kate.’

Kate rolled her eyes and groaned.

‘Now, where are your dad and Jake?’

‘I don’t care.’ Despite the contention, Kate raised herself on one elbow. ‘They were...’

‘Kate, what’s wrong?’

Kate said nothing. Either hallucination was a common by-product of Lycra and over-exertion, or the Crown Prince of Renzoi was standing there in conversation with her brother and dad. Did hallucinations laugh? Because hers were.

It didn’t feel like much of a joke to Kate.

Her mum was shading her eyes and squinting. ‘Who is that extraordinarily good-looking man talking to your dad and Jake?’

‘That’s Marco,’ Kate said, in a flat, expressionless voice.


‘He was my...boss.’

‘The Prince! My, what a coincidence. It really is a small world.’

Kate envied her mum her innocence. It wasnota small world. It was a big, massive, diverse world, and no coincidence had brought Marco here today.

Speculating what had sent her thoughts in a dizzying spin. ‘I feel sick,’ she said faintly.

‘I told you to take on more fluids.’

Kate gave a weak laugh.

Her mum looked stern as she stretched her quads. ‘Seriously, Kate.’

‘Your mother is right...it is science.’

Kate felt her eyes fill with tears. ‘How is Freya?’ she asked huskily.

‘She is going to join us for supper.’

She stared at him and thought,Back up there, mate.‘I am not having supper with you.’ She struggled rather inelegantly to pull herself up from her prone position. Once sitting, she drew her knees up to her chest and she glared up at him.

‘Go away!’

‘Kate!’ Her mum sounded outraged.

‘Mrs Armstrong, I am delighted to meet you.’

‘Well, she’s not delighted to meet you, so why don’t you just push off?’

‘Katherine! My daughter has not been herself, Your...’

Marco nodded. ‘Actually, I have not been myself either, and it is not a bad thing.’

Her mother gave a wary smile. ‘Well, I will leave you young people to...’ She broke off as a person wearing a mini telephone box on his head, who appeared not to have read thefunpart of the race, huffed past, yelling, ‘Obstruction!’