‘I am deadly serious. Always,’ he said, straight-faced, the gleam in his dark eyes making her stomach flip.

‘When you’ve just drunk a bottle of champagne?’

He grinned and, rising in one fluid motion, dragged her with him. ‘It might have taken the edge off, but no, I am not drunk. Dance with me.’ He took hold of both of her hands and performed an artistic flamenco stamp.

‘There is no music,’ she countered, struggling to inject some sanity into this increasingly surreal conversation.

‘A mere technicality.’ He put one of her hands on his shoulder, then the second, before placing his on her waist.

‘Are you off your meds?’ she pushed out, drawing a deep growl of laughter from him. There was no corresponding laughter in his eyes. They were darkly focused...relentless.

Kate’s chest heaved as she fought to compensate for the fact she’d forgotten to breathe. What she really needed was air between them, space. His proximity was doing terrible things to her nervous system. As for professional distance...the ache at the damp apex of her legs was not professional.

‘You are quite beautiful.’

She wrinkled her nose, her eyes sliding from his. ‘I’ll take that as a yes, then.’

‘You are the strangest woman I have ever met, full of contradictions.’

‘Sure, I’m a real enigma,’ she muttered, fighting the urge to follow him and losing as he began to move. He was actually a good dancer, but then he was one of those tedious people who were good at everything, she told herself, trying to feel scorn or even resentment but it wouldn’t come. Instead her thoughts moved dangerously on to all theotherthings he might be good at.

He’d had very good reviews and even allowing for exaggeration...Did she want to find out?

‘There, you can hear it now too.’

‘No,’ she said, fighting hard to retain a grip. But, as if pre-programmed, her body had started to follow his lead.

One hand placed, long fingers spread, in the small of her back, his hooded eyes darkened as she responded to the slightest of increases in pressure. Stepping into him until they were so close there was no oxygen between them.

Kate made a conscious effort to breathe, focus, afraid she might forget and fall in a dead faint at his feet. He was all warmth and solid slabs of muscle.

Her skin prickled, her insides dissolved, her heart climbed into her throat, the spreading tingle of excitement igniting and spreading across the surface of her skin, the sensation as though she had woken up from a dream to discover it wasn’t a dream, it was real.

Desire pumping through his body in a steady logic-destroying stream, he held her eyes with his bold black hypnotic stare. Watching her face as he ground the bold imprint of his erection against the softness of her belly, watching with a smile of predatory pleasure her pupils eat up the gold.

His action drew a shocked gasp from Kate as she felt the heat between them reach scalding point. The air around them seemed to shimmer with the combustion they were creating. Shimmer with the passion that burned away any sense of self-preservation she might have retained. She was deep,deep, and lost inside to-hell-with-the-consequences territory.

She watched, her eyelids heavy, the ache between her legs throbbing, and as his sensuous mouth came down she stretched up, greedy for the contact. When it came, the slow, sensuous, skilled seduction of his mouth just fed the urgency building inside her. She wanted more. The passion was like nothing she had ever experienced, nothing she had ever dreamed existed.

He bit into the lush softness of her lower lip, sliding his tongue into her mouth, as they continued to drift around. Moving in slow, lazy, ever-decreasing circles until they were not moving at all.

Her curves had automatically acclimated themselves into his hard angles, their bodies sealed. Her entire body quivered with the expectation of what happened next. They were standing still, Kate’s head tilted, her hands cushioned between them, pressed flat against the hard barrier of his chest. Everything locked, including their eyes.

He traced the angle of her jaw and ran his fingers down the extended column of her creamy neck, brushing his lips against the blue-veined pulse point before he kissed her as though he wanted to drain her. Fine tremors ran through his powerful body, as if the effort to contain the need and hunger driving him was making him shake.

‘I want to take your clothes off,’ he purred throatily. ‘I want to see you, touch you... I want to be inside you,cara, I want to have you hold me there all night.’

His teasing words made her whimper, made the wet core of her sex ache as she rubbed her body against him, while she struggled to get any words past the occlusion in her throat.

‘Not here...’

He looked at her face, the driven need in his drawing the golden skin tight against his marvellous bones, and nodded, then, without a word, scooped her up into his arms and strode off towards the building.

To the victor goes the spoils.

The words drifted through her head, except this was not a war and there was not some unwilling prize...victim. She was an eager partner in this seduction.

They encountered no one on their way to her flat. She was past caring if they had. She kissed him, their hot breaths mingling, as he collided with the wall and items of furniture along the way.