“Okay, I got everything I needed, now let’s take some fun pictures,” the tech said. “Hold on, Baby B, you’ll get your turn in a minute.”

She took still shots of our son’s profile, and I was pretty sure he had Trix’s nose, not mine. She also snapped a few more shots of his spine and arms and one of his junk, typing in, “I’m a boy” on that picture.

“Okay, now let’s find Baby B,” the tech said quietly to herself.

The sound of more than one heartbeat filled the room for a minute, but suddenly, a single heartbeat became clear.

“There’s Baby B,” the tech announced.

Trix’s hand squeezed mine hard.

“You okay?” I asked quietly, leaning down to get a good look at her.

“Now, I’m nervous,” she whispered back, sniffing.

“It’s all good, Sweetbea—” The name slipped out on accident and we both froze.

“Want to know the sex of Baby B?” the tech asked cheerfully.

“Yeah,” I replied gruffly, standing up straight again.

“Baby B is also a boy,” the tech said with a smile. “No modesty in these two.”

Trix giggled as I looked closer at the screen.

Two boys.

The rest of the appointment passed by way too quickly. I could have watched my kids swimming around on that screen all fucking day, but unfortunately, the tech had to take her machine and look at other people’s babies.

“Ugh, this shit is so gross,” Trix bitched as she tried to wipe the lube off her belly with a handful of paper towels the tech had handed her before she left. “And I can’t see it.”

I glanced at Trix’s face, then down at her belly where she was just smearing the shit around.

“Do you—uh,” I swallowed hard. Jesus. “Want some help?”

“Could you?” Trix shuddered as she pushed the paper towels in my direction. “Get it off. Please.”

I shuffled forward and pulled a few paper towels from the stack, clenching my jaw as I wiped across her belly.

She had stretch marks, one large purplish one that ran directly beneath her belly button, and then a bunch of smaller, jagged ones off to the side.

I wanted to trace them with my tongue.

“Thank you,” Trix murmured huskily as I kept wiping the shit off her skin.

By the time I got done, Trix was breathing heavily and my dick was so hard it was painful.

“Oh, feel!” Trix said in surprise, grabbing my hand and pressing it hard against the side of her stomach. “Wait for it…”

My breath caught as I felt something pushing against my palm, then my fingers, then my palm again.

I’d been missing it. They were moving around in there, and I’d been missing it.

My throat tightened as I leaned toward Trix’s belly.

“Hi, son,” I murmured less than an inch from her skin. “I love you, bud, but you gotta stop showing your dick to random women.”

Trix burst out laughing and I grinned against her skin, letting my lips make contact. She smelled like the lube they’d smeared there, but under that was all Trix. Spicy and warm.

“Oh, right here,” Trix murmured, taking my free hand and pressing it higher on her belly. Sure enough, there was movement in that spot, too.

We stayed there quietly, feeling our sons move, until someone came to clean the room and kicked us out.

It was physically painful to pull my hands away from Trix’s skin.

We stopped at a bathroom on our way back down the hallway so Trix could finally pee, and I stood there uncomfortably as she groaned beyond the door. She was going to the bathroom—that sound shouldn’t have turned me on like it did.

“Well?” Brenna asked excitedly as we walked back into the waiting room.

“You want to tell her?” Trix asked, her eyes shining.

“She’s your ma,” I murmured back, a grin tugging at my lips.

“Two boys!” Trix announced before I’d even finished speaking.

“You’re gonna have your hands full!” Brenna moved forward and hugged Trix, then turned to me and hugged me, too.

I didn’t know if I should try and hug her back. Instinctively, I recoiled, Dragon’s face flashing in my mind.

“Jesus, I’m your kids’ grandmother. You can hug me,” Brenna snapped.

Trix started laughing and she sort of danced toward the front doors of the office.

“I’ll get you next time,” Brenna warned, turning toward her daughter.

I really hoped she didn’t.

When we got to Brenna’s car, what little ease Trix and I had felt during the appointment was long gone, and her eyes were wary.

“Thanks for coming, Cam,” she said softly as Brenna climbed in the driver’s seat.

“Thanks for inviting me.”

“Of course.”

We fell into silence and I couldn’t think of a single thing to say. Should I just turn around and leave? Tell her how beautiful she looked? How much I’d missed her? Should I try and make plans to see her again? Even if she didn’t want to be with me, I was already anxious to feel our sons kicking in her belly again.