Sitting so close to her had my heart racing, and I wasn’t sure what to do with my hands. I’d never been more nervous in my entire goddamn life.

This was Trix. My Bea. But I didn’t know how to act around her anymore. Before we’d gotten together, I would have wrapped an arm around her shoulders. I would have hugged her. Teased her about her belly. When we were together, I would have kissed her. Put my hands to her stomach and rubbed the taut skin.

Now, I could only sit there like an asshole, trying not to fist my hands where they rested in my lap.

“Bellatrix White?” A nurse called from an open doorway to our right.

It should have been Harrison. She should have my name.

“Showtime,” Trix mumbled as she pushed herself to her feet.

I lifted my hands to help her, but let them drop again.

If I touched her, I was afraid I’d take it too far. I wouldn’t be able to let go, and I’d end up tracing her body with my hands in a waiting room full of people.

The nurse walked us down a short hallway and set us up in a tiny room, and Brenna filled the silence with chatter as she helped Trix pull up her shirt and move her pants low on her hips.

I silently cursed as I felt myself get hard. Jesus. All she had to do was push those pants a little lower and I’d get a glimpse of the Promised Land.

“I’m so excited,” Trix whispered, closing her eyes as her lips tilted up. Her eyes popped open after a second and she turned her head toward me. “Are you excited?”

“Nervous,” I rasped out.

She giggled. I hadn’t meant for it to be funny.

Then Brenna leaned down and whispered something in Trix’s ear, making her nod.

“I’ll see you guys in a bit,” Brenna announced when she’d straightened back up.

“What?” I watched in horror as she left the room.

“She thought it would be better for us to do this just me and you,” Trix said softly, pulling my attention from the empty doorway.

“Oh.” I looked at the doorway again.

“I’m so sorry for—”

“Don’t,” I barked, making Trix’s mouth snap shut. “After the shit I said at the clubhouse?” I shook my head. “You got nothin’ to apologize for.”

“You were angry.”

“I was a fuckin’ dick.”

“That, too,” she said, her eyes tearing up. “But I forgave that a long time ago.”

I groaned, taking a step forward. “Bea—”

A knock sounded on the door, cutting me off. “Hey, guys, you ready to see your baby?” a woman asked as she slipped into the room.

“Babies,” I corrected, making Trix smile.

I swallowed hard as the woman came inside and started talking about all the shit she needed to do, and before long she was squirting what looked like lube on Trix’s belly and pressing a little wand against it.

A heartbeat filled the room.

“Look, Cam,” Trix said, nodding toward a big screen high on the wall.

When I’d gotten the first ultrasound pictures, I’d had no idea what I was looking at. Our kids had looked like kidney beans.

But fuck me, that wasn’t the case anymore.

I took an involuntary step forward as the tech moved her wand, giving us a clearer picture of our baby, its hand in its mouth and its legs pulling toward its chest and then kicking out again.

“Whoa,” I whispered, barely registering when Trix reached out and gripped my hand.

“There’s Baby A,” the tech said. “I just need to take some measurements here. Do you guys want to know what you’re having?”

I kept my mouth shut as I looked down at Trix. Tears were rolling down her face.

“Yes,” she answered, meeting my eyes.

“Well, this baby is not at all modest,” the tech said with a grin as little lines appeared on the screen while she measured the baby’s head. “Definitely a boy. I’ll try to get a picture in just a minute.”

Trix squeezed my hand, and my eyes slammed shut while I tried to just fucking breathe.

A boy. Baby A was a boy.

I leaned down and kissed Trix’s forehead without thinking about it.

When I looked back at the screen, something seemed off.

“What the fuck?” I murmured, my heart beginning to race.

“Oh, that’s just Baby B getting jealous of all the attention on Baby A,” the tech laughed. “That’s Baby B’s leg, I think.”

Trix began to laugh, and her entire belly shook with the movement, making my son freeze for a second before he went nuts.

“He likes it when you laugh,” I said in surprise, grinning at Trix.

“He looks like you,” she murmured back, staring at the screen.

“How can you tell?”

“I just can.”

I wanted to laugh at her words. You couldn’t see what the baby looked like on the screen, just an impression of his face, but I could tell she was serious. She meant it.