“Shut the fuck up,” Dragon growled, making Will jerk back in his seat.

“Got a call,” Poet said again, a sly smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. “Little Steve Smith decided to transfer—needed his transcripts. University of Montana.”

Grease, Casper and Dragon all leaned back in their seats with knowing smiles on their faces. I wasn’t clear on why the kid being in Montana was a good thing, but I sure as shit wasn’t going to speak up and have Dragon rip my head off.

The man wasn’t my biggest fan.

“Called our old friends up there and they’re takin’ care of it,” Poet announced.

“He’s mine,” Grease snapped.

“Know that,” Poet replied respectfully. “Horsemen are playin’ the game, bringin’ little Steve down to us to deal with.”

“When?” I finally asked, glancing around the table.

I didn’t want to make a big deal of it, but Trix had her doctor’s appointment the next day, and an ultrasound to find out if we were having boys or girls. She’d texted me earlier that day to let me know and invite me to come along.

I didn’t know whether I was going, but I liked having the option.

“Boys’ll be here by the weekend,” Poet answered, giving me a nod. Right. He knew about Trix’s appointment, of course he did.

My neck burned in embarrassment.

I’d tried really hard over the past few months to show how unconcerned I was with Trix’s shit—but I think everyone probably knew that I was starved for news of her. I spent most of my time less than a half-mile away from her, but I hadn’t seen her face to face since Micky’s funeral.

She hadn’t even come to say thank you for packing up her apartment, and it burned to think of how I’d waited for her to show up once I’d known she was all moved out. I’d thought for sure she’d say something, but she never did. She kept her distance, just like I’d told her to.

The one time in our lives that Trix had followed an order from me, and it was the only one I’d wished she ignored.

* * *

I still wasn’t sure if I was going to the appointment with Trix the next morning when I took a shower and put on a pair of jeans that weren’t covered in grease.

I wasn’t sure as I read a text from her giving me the address to the doctor’s office.

I wasn’t sure as I climbed on my bike and rode it slowly out the gates.

I still hadn’t decided when I parked my bike in the crowded parking lot.

Hell, I still hadn’t made up my mind when I walked in the front doors.

Then I saw Trix.

She was sitting in a chair, laughing at something her ma said, with both hands braced on her round belly. Her hair was up in a ponytail and her face had filled out, so her cheeks were round like they’d been when she was little.

The dark circles under her eyes were gone.

I stood frozen, watching them until Trix glanced up and met my eyes.

It felt like the entire waiting room went quiet as her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in shock.

Then she smiled, and I felt my legs go weak.

“Hey, you came!” she called, using the arms on her chair to push herself to her feet.

I didn’t say a word as she walked toward me, her belly swaying slightly from side to side. I was too busy staring.

When she finally reached me, I cleared my throat. “That okay?” I finally asked.

“Wouldn’t have invited you if it wasn’t,” she answered, grinning.

I couldn’t get over the difference a few months had made. Excitement was written all over her face, she was practically vibrating with it as we stared at each other.

She looked healthy. Happy.

“Come sit with me and my mom,” she ordered. “They told me not to pee before the appointment, and if I stand here much longer, it’s going to start running down my legs.”

A surprised laugh tore out of my throat as she led me back to where Brenna was sitting. I couldn’t help but glance at her ass as she walked in front of me. I was trying not to be a douche, but I was pretty sure I heard angels singing as I looked down again. Her belly wasn’t the only thing that had gotten bigger—her thighs and ass had grown, too. Fucking beautiful.

“Hey, Cam,” Brenna called dryly, making my head snap up.

“Hey, Bren,” I said back, my neck heating up. Shit, it felt like my ears were getting red, too.

“The receptionist said that they’re on schedule, so it should only be a few more minutes,” Trix said as she sat back down and patted the seat next to her. “Thank God. This is actually starting to be a little painful.” She squirmed in her seat as I dropped down beside her.