Then I reached the last ultrasound photo and the ones I’d slid behind it fluttered to the ground as I lost all feeling in my hands.

Baby A and Baby B.

My heart raced.

No fucking way.

I scrambled to pick up the rest of the pictures, laying them out on the bed side by side to try and find some similarities—some extra clue about what I was looking at.

I got to my feet and swayed to the side, catching myself against the wall.


Farrah would know what she was looking at.

I swung open my bedroom door so hard that it slammed against the wall, but I barely noticed it as I raced toward the front room. She’d been at the bar when I left.

If she’d already gone home, I was going to freak the fuck out.

Nope, there she was. I moved toward her at a fast clip, and slammed the pictures down on the bar when I reached her.

“Look,” I demanded when she glanced at me in confusion. “Look at those.”

“Oh, Cam,” she said softly, giving me a small smile. “Trix went to the doctor?”

“Just look,” I snapped before taking a deep breath. “Please, Ma.”

She nodded once, then looked down at the photographs in front of her and slid through them one by one.

“What am I looking for, baby?” she asked as Casper leaned forward to look over her shoulder.

“You’ll know when you see it,” I mumbled, leaning heavily against the bar.

My heart beat so hard I could hear it in my ears, and only a few seconds later, Farrah let out a small gasp.

“Holy shit,” she mumbled as Casper began to laugh. “Holy shit.”

“Ma,” I growled, my hands beginning to fidget.

“Twins, huh?” Casper asked teasingly. “Damn, you don’t mess around.”

My legs felt like they were going to completely give out as my head started to swim.

“Jesus, sit down before you fall down,” Casper ordered laughingly, pushing me onto a stool.

“I wore a condom,” I whispered to myself. How the fuck had she got pregnant with twins?

“Oh, fucking gross, Cameron!” Farrah scowled as Casper snickered behind her. “I don’t want to hear that shit.”

“No, really,” I said seriously, shaking my head in disbelief. “I wore a fucking condom. Every time.”

“Shut up, Cam! And don’t laugh,” Farrah shrieked, turning to swat at Casper. “I’m not supposed to hear that stuff. What if CeeCee was talking about condoms?”

All laughter left Casper’s face and his jaw tightened. “Not funny, Ladybug.”

“You think?” she snapped back.

“Twins,” I whispered, barely hearing my parents as I stared at the pictures on the bar. “Kids. I have two kids.”

“Hell, yeah, you do,” Casper crowed, moving around Farrah so he could wrap his arms around me in a tight hug. “Congratulations, boy.”

“Jesus, I need a second job,” I mumbled, my hands loose at my sides as Casper hugged me. “And a car. I need a car.”

Farrah started to giggle as I lost my shit.

“You are going to be an awesome dad,” Farrah sang, pushing Casper out of the way so she could wrap her arms around my waist. “Even better than Cody.”

“Hey!” Casper complained, pulling Farrah back against him.

I gave them a small smile, then swiped the pictures off the bar top.

“So, what’s this then?” I asked, pushing one of the unlabeled photos into Farrah’s face.

“That’s the head and torso, see right here? That’s the spine…”

I stood quietly as she explained each picture, pointing out little things that I would have never noticed. She knew what she was talking about, and by the time we’d made it through the photos, I had a lump in my throat the size of Texas.

“I’m gonna go—” I started to say, ready to go back to my room and stare at my children in peace.

“Hey, Cam,” Dragon’s low voice came from behind me, and without turning around, I felt my entire body tighten. Fuck. If he was coming to give me shit about Trix, I wasn’t sure I could hold back.

My emotions were so close to the surface, they were practically fucking bubbling.

“Hey,” I murmured, turning cautiously around. “What’s up?”

“Just wanted to tell you congratulations,” Dragon said with a small nod.

“Oh.” For a second, I just stood there staring at him with my mouth hanging open. “Oh, yeah. Thanks, man.”

I waited for him to walk away, but he didn’t. Instead, he reached up and swiped his long hair back from his face. “Twins, uh—they run in Bren’s family. I mean, she’s not sure about her mom’s history, but we had—” his voice trailed off for a second as his eyes lost their focus. “Uh, yeah. Don’t know if you remember, but we had twins.” Dragon cleared his throat, and I felt bad for the guy because he looked both uncomfortable and really fucking sad.

“Yeah, Trix is a twin, right?” I asked, just to fill the silence. What the fuck was I supposed to say?