“I’m going to move back in with my parents for a while,” she said softly, tucking her thumbs into her palms as she fisted her hands.

“No.” My voice was resolute. She was out of her fucking mind if she thought she was going to run home to her parents because we were having a hard time. This was such bullshit.

“Hulk,” Dragon called, authority ringing in his voice. It wasn’t the voice of her father, it was the voice of my president.

“You fuckin’ bitch,” I whispered, shaking my head as the full significance of her words became clear. “You want out? Makin’ your daddy step in because you can’t even fuckin’ tell me that you’re gonna leave?”

Trix’s lips trembled, and I hated that a part of me wanted to soothe her. She was so fucking fragile. She looked like one well-placed blow could completely end her.

“Hulk,” Dragon called again in warning.

I raised my hands in the air, and took one step back. Then I spoke again.

“You want out? Fine. I’m so fuckin’ done with your bullshit. So fucking done.” I ran my hands over my head in disbelief. God, I’d been so happy to see her looking better. So glad that she seemed to be coming out of whatever the fuck was eating at her. I was such a goddamn idiot. “I wanna see my kid when it’s born.”

Trix nodded and inhaled a shaky breath.

“Fuck you,” I whispered. Then I turned and walked completely out of the house.

“Hulk!” Dragon called again when I was halfway down their front porch steps.

“What?” I snapped, turning to face him. “I’m fuckin’ gone, all right? You need somethin’ else?”

“Who you think you’re talkin’ to?” Dragon growled, following me down the stairs.

“Jesus Christ,” I hissed, shaking my head.

“She’ll figure her shit out, boy. She just needs some time.” His voice was once again mellow, almost friendly.

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. I laughed so hard that it made my stomach roll with nausea from the Jack that was still sloshing around in there.

“She can have all the time she wants,” I finally said, meeting Dragon’s eyes. “I’m done.”


I raised my hand for him to stop. I didn’t want to hear it.

“Done,” I said again.

I turned and walked away, through the field of tall grass and beyond the gravel in the forecourt to my bike parked on the pavement in front of the garage. I needed to get the fuck out of there.

Chapter 22


“I love you,” my mom said a few days after my pop had escorted Cam out of the house. “But what you did was so fucking wrong, I don’t even know what to say to you.”

My mouth dropped open in surprise and I glanced over at my nan, who was calmly sipping her tea. We were having a “girl’s lunch” before my first appointment that afternoon with my obstetrician. Mom had gotten the name of Farrah’s doctor and had called for me the day before, making an appointment before she’d even informed me.

It was probably good that she’d taken the initiative, because I was still putting off anything and everything to do with the baby. I hadn’t had a nightmare since I’d moved back into my parents’ house, and I was afraid they’d come back if I thought of anything beyond eating and sleeping.

“Ouch,” I finally murmured in disbelief.

“Truth hurts,” Nan mumbled, looking at me over her mug.

“Seriously? Because I didn’t want to be with Cam, I’m the bad guy?”

“Don’t act like an idiot—you’ve never been stupid,” my mom snapped. “You used your pop. Asked him to do your dirty work, because you knew he would, because you knew he’d do anything for you. You know the trust and respect that those men have to have for each other? Huh? When shit goes down, they have to be able to count on each other, Trix, and you shit all over that. Embarrassed Cam and ruined his relationship with your pop.”

“Whatever.” I pushed myself to my feet.

“Sit back down,” Nan ordered, her tone making me drop right back into my seat.

The table went quiet for a long moment before my mom finally spoke up. “I’m not sure what’s going on with you, Trix. Honest to God, I have no idea what’s going through your head. But if you try to tell me one more time that you don’t want to be with Cam, I won’t be held responsible for my actions.” She looked at me expectantly, but I didn’t say a word.

I missed Cam like crazy. God, that first day when he’d stormed out of the house, I’d felt like I was dying. I’d curled up on the couch with Leo, and even though his disapproval was clear, he’d still pulled me into his side as we watched shitty television. I ached for Cam, but the thought of going back was too scary to fully contemplate. I was safe with my parents.