“What? Why would someone do that? Did he sleep with someone’s girlfriend?”

I chuckled humorously as she echoed my words from earlier.

“That’s the question of the hour,” I answered flatly. “Why the fuck would someone run Mack off the road? Why would someone slash Tommy’s tires? Why the fuck are we getting nothin’ when we put feelers out all over the state?”

“Wait, you think it’s all connected? That doesn’t even make sense.”

“No, it doesn’t, does it?” I looked up to find her changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top. “Doesn’t make any sense to fuck with the Hawthorne boys. They might be young, but Mick is fuckin’ big. Wouldn’t make sense for someone to rough you up comin’ out of the college library after dark, either. Wouldn’t make sense for someone to rape you. Wouldn’t make sense for someone to take you. Granddaughter of the Aces VP? It’d be a fuckin’ death sentence, but there’s no fuckin’ logic with this shit.”

“Cam,” she said softly, walking further into the room.

“Don’t come near me, Bellatrix,” I warned, tilting my head to the side as I watched her. “Pissed as fuck with you right now.”

“You wouldn’t hurt me,” she argued.

“More than one way to hurt a person.”

“And you wouldn’t do any of them. You love me.”

“I do,” I agreed, my voice still hard.

She stepped forward again.

“Can’t be easy tonight,” I said quietly as she reached me.

The moment her eyes went wide and she began to nod her agreement, I was all over her. I fisted her hair in my hands, ripping out the rubber band she’d used to pull it back. I pressed my mouth to hers, forcing my tongue between her lips as her body sagged toward mine—but it wasn’t enough.

I needed more. I needed to taste her skin, feel it gripped between my teeth and grow wet from my tongue.

I yanked her tank top over her head, watching her tits bounce with the movement for just a second before I was tearing her shorts and underwear down her legs.

“Slow down,” she whispered, her hands coming up to run over my shaved head.

I shoved her backward hard enough for her to take a step back.

“Go,” I barked.

There was no way I could slow down. No way for me to calm the way my hands shook and my heart raced. If she couldn’t take what I was giving, she needed to leave. I didn’t want to scare her, but there was no way for me to be gentle. She was right in saying that I’d never hurt her, but I was so close to the edge that if she wasn’t with me, things would go bad fast.

“I’m not going anywhere,” she announced stubbornly, her thumbs fisted inside her hands.

I stood from the bed, but even my size didn’t seem to intimidate her.

“Fuckin’ leave,” I rasped, pulling off my shirt. “Got nothin’ for you tonight.”

Her chin lifted as she held my eyes defiantly, then without even glancing at my chest she reached up and traced the “B” there with one fingertip. “Mine,” she whispered.

My head rocked back in confusion, and that was all it took for her to find her opening. She shoved at my belly, pushing me back onto the bed, and the moment my ass met the mattress, she was kissing me roughly, her nails biting into my shoulders.

“You gonna take me how I want it?” I asked her, sliding my hand between us to find her already growing wet. I thrust two fingers inside her without any preparation and her back bowed as she cried out. “Answer me.”

“Yes,” she said seriously, dropping her chin so she could meet my eyes.

My free hand went to my belt buckle and from the corner of my eye, I saw Trix pick up my pistol from the bed. “You gonna shoot me?” I asked, half serious.

“Not tonight,” she replied, setting the gun next to my empty beer on the table. “Ask me tomorrow.”

I thrust my fingers up hard inside her, relishing the sound she made as she rocked toward me. I finally got my belt undone and tore open my pants, lifting up a bit so I could push them to my thighs as I slid my fingers out of Trix.

“Knees,” I ordered, gesturing to the floor in front of me. My chest was rising and falling heavily with each breath, and I wondered for a minute if she’d refuse me. It didn’t matter if she did. I was getting inside her somehow, and if she wanted me in her cunt instead, I was happy to oblige.

She sucked me in as far as she could go on the first pass, and I swear I saw fucking stars. She wasn’t kidding around. There was no tentativeness to her movements, no hesitation or shyness as her tongue rubbed hard beneath the head of my cock.