“Not doin’ either one of those things, Bellatrix.”

“You’re being all pissy.”

“I’m not. I’m showerin.’ You’re the one tryin’ to pick a fight.”

“I got a job offer in Portland,” I announced. I hadn’t even completed the sentence before the shower curtain was flung open and water sprayed out of the tub.

“Not fuckin’ happenin’,” he said flatly as I sputtered.

“I make my own decisions!” I snapped back, squeaking like a damn mouse as he leaned forward and dragged me into the shower with him.

“You wanna live hours away from me, Bea?” he asked roughly, jerking the shower curtain closed again so we seemed wrapped in our own little cocoon. “That what you want? Seein’ me when I can get some time, or you can get some time, once or twice a month?”

“No,” I grit back between my teeth.

“Then what the fuck are we arguin’ about here? Fill me the fuck in—because I honest to God don’t know what your fuckin’ problem is.”

“I make my own decisions,” I repeated stubbornly.

“Yeah, got that.”

“I plan my own life.”

“Got that, too.”


Cam shook his head and turned away from me, dipping his head forward so he could get his hair wet.

“Sounds to me like you need me to tell you not to go,” Cam said softly as I stood behind him with my arms wrapped around my chest. “You got this job offer—probably the only one you’ve got—but you don’t wanna take it.”

He grabbed my shampoo and poured a little on his head, scrubbing it into his scalp as I watched the muscles in his back and shoulders move and bunch.

“You need me to tell you I don’t want you to go?” He paused for a moment, as if waiting for me to answer, then rinsed his hair. He turned to me when he was done and swiped a hand over his face to get the water out of his eyes. “I don’t want you to take that job.”

I bit my lip as my mind raced, and let him move me gently under the spray of water while I kept silent.

“You’ll find somethin’ down here, Sweetbea,” he assured me as his fingers ran through my hair. “Just a matter of time.”

“Are you sure?” I whispered back, the fear evident in my voice. I was terrified to leave him, but I was also terrified that if I didn’t take the job in Portland, I’d never get another one. Then I’d be exactly who I didn’t want to be.

“Hell, yes, I’m sure. You’re smart and driven, and you’d look sexy as fuck in a business suit.”

I couldn’t stop the small laugh that tumbled from my mouth.

“There she is,” he murmured, smiling as he leaned down to brush his lips against mine. “My Bea is fearless. She doesn’t worry about the future because she’s too busy kicking ass in the present.”

“I’m freaked out,” I admitted as I poured some shower gel in my hands and slicked them over his chest.

“Don’t be,” Cam replied, taking a deep breath as my fingers ran over his stomach. “You’re gonna do it all and have it all, Bea. I promise.”

Chapter 9


“Someone slashed my tires,” Tommy told me over the phone. “I tried my dad and Will, but neither of them are answering and I didn’t want to worry my mom.”

It was Wednesday and I knew Grease and Will were meeting with some guys we were thinking of doing gun business with, but I couldn’t tell Tommy that. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

“You sure they were slashed?” I asked stupidly, walking away from the noise of four air compressors going at the same time inside the garage.

“Yeah, I’m sure,” he replied irritably. “My fuckin’ car is sittin’ on rims, man!”

“Shit. You at the school?” I asked as I motioned for one of the prospects to grab me the keys for the tow truck we rarely used.

“Yeah, me and Mick were supposed to get Rose from school¸ but we won’t make it now.”

“Call your mom and tell her—no. Fuck. I’ll call CeeCee and have her pick up Rose when she gets Lily. You call your mom and tell her I needed your help today, so Cec will bring Rose home.”

“Okay. You on your way, though?”

“Yeah, bud. I’ll be there soon.”

I sent a text to my little sister, who still wasn’t talking to me because of the fight we’d had the weekend before, and thankfully got a text back saying she’d grab Rose.

Who the hell would slash the tires of two high school boys?

I clicked into my contacts list again as I started up the truck and nodded at the prospect when he asked if I wanted him to ride along.

“Hello?” Leo answered after a couple rings.

“Hey, man. You still at school?”

“I’m a little busy,” Leo replied smugly as some chick giggled in the background, pissing me off. I thought he wanted my little sister? I didn’t want him anywhere near Cecilia, but if he was playing her, I’d kill him and bury his ass in the woods.