Then I took him into my mouth and felt him groan against me.

Sliding down as far as I could, I sucked hard as I pulled away again and I felt his mouth grow slack as the muscles in his thighs quivered.

“That’s it,” he moaned. “Fuck.”

I arched my hips mindlessly against his face as I took him in again, and both of his hands slid to my ass, gripping me hard as he started sucking.

My hair stuck to my face with sweat as I sucked him deeper, not even pausing when he retaliated by working his lips and tongue harder against me. I wanted more, more, more.

I didn’t even feel like myself. All thoughts had completely flown away, and the only thing I could concentrate on was his hips jerking at my movements and his mouth devouring me.

Then his hand slid back and his mouth moved to my clit as his fingers slid inside me, curling forward.

I exploded, crying out and gagging as I accidentally pushed my mouth too far down his cock.

His hand ripped at my hair, pulling me off him so he could push me forward. He sat up behind me and wrapped one arm around my waist, his hand coming to rest between my breasts.

“Condom,” he gasped, reaching blindly for the box in my nightstand.

He frantically pulled one from the box and rolled it on, and then he was surging inside me as my back arched against his chest.

“Bea,” he moaned as his hands slid over my slick skin. “Roll ’em, baby,” he instructed as he guided my hips, making my ass slide against his stomach with every tilt of my pelvis.

I followed his movements while his hands slid up and cupped my breasts. His feet slid up the bed until his knees were raised against mine, his hips thrusting beneath me.

With just the right movement, my clit rubbed against his balls, and a shudder ran through me. Right there. I needed—oh, fuck.

I came again, my rhythm faltering as he thrust harder, his hands sliding back down to hold my hips as he came beneath me with a loud roar.

I continued to shudder as he spread soft kisses over my back and shoulders, his hips still thrusting gently.

“So good,” he said softly. “Better every time.”

Cam helped me off his lap and laid me gently on the bed as he left the room to get rid of the condom. When he came back, I was still sprawled out on my back, completely worn out.

“You’re so sweaty,” he said with a gentle smile as he climbed onto the bed on his hands and knees, coming to stop when he was braced above me. “So salty.” He leaned down and ran his tongue along my belly and under the curve of my breast, making me shudder.

“I can’t feel my legs, Cam. We’re not going again,” I told him seriously.

He burst out laughing and the bed shook as he dropped down beside me.

“Wasn’t plannin’ on it,” he finally answered, rolling to his side and leaning his head on his hand. “Even though you’re gorgeous when you’re all sweaty and still shuddering.”

He reached out to run a fingertip over my nipple and I shuddered again, making him grin.

“I’m getting a job,” I announced as my sex high lowered to a reasonable level.

“What?” His face screwed up in confusion as he tried to follow my train of conversation.

“I don’t want you to take care of me. I want a job. A good one—where I kick ass and make a shit ton of money and go on vacations.”

“This is what you wanted to talk about?” he asked irritably, his hand pulling away from my skin.

“Yeah—we need to get a few things straight,” I answered sharply.

“Fuck that.” Cam rolled away from me and set his feet on the floor, scratching the back of his head for a moment before shaking it and standing up. “Do what you want.”

My mouth dropped open in surprise as he left the room. Seconds later, I leapt from the bed when I heard the shower turn on.

“You’re being an ass!” I yelled over the running water as I stepped inside the bathroom. “I was trying to talk to you.”

“Fine. Talk,” Cam replied from behind my blue shower curtain.

I opened my mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. I wasn’t sure what to say. I’d started the conversation the way I’d wanted to, but his lack of response had me a bit stumped. He was clearly pissed, but he wasn’t arguing with me and I needed that argument to state my case.

“I want to work.”

“Yeah, ya said that. So work.”

“I don’t want you to make a deal about it, or be pissed off about it.” I sat on the closed toilet lid, still completely naked as I tried to argue with him.