“We’re leaving,” Cecilia said as she and Lily carried their backpacks out of the bedroom. “Thanks for having us over.” She ignored Cam completely as she and Lily hugged me goodbye.

“This conversation isn’t over,” Cam warned as she opened the front door to leave.

“Cam,” I warned.

“Fuck off.” She flipped him off as she left, and I heard a murmured “Oh, shit” from the living room as I quickly stepped in front of Cam to keep him from following her.

“She needs her fuckin’ ass beat,” Cam growled as he came to a stop with my hand braced in the middle of his chest.

“She’s a little old for that,” I reminded him.

“Yeah, old enough to be fuckin’ around with your whore brother.”

“You know what? I get that you don’t like it, but stop talking shit about my brother. You’re twice as bad as he is,” I snapped back, thumping my hand on his chest.

“He got up and ran like a pussy,” Cam accused.

“Yeah, well you’ve got like a hundred pounds on him and you’re almost ten years older, what did you expect him to do?”

“Defend Cecilia, for one. What kind of man leaves his woman to face shit without him?”

“Um, a boy? He’s eighteen, Cam.”

“Old enough.”

“Not hardly.”

“You remember me at eighteen?”

“That’s not the same, at all,” I reminded him softly. “You were a man at fifteen, maybe earlier. Completely different situations.”

“Hey, guys?” Tommy called, “Uh, we’re gonna go.”

I spun from Cam and walked toward the living room to give everyone a hug goodbye. First Tommy, then Rose, but when I got to Mick, Cam’s deep voice called out, “Mick,” in warning.

“I’ll see you later,” Mick said, leaning forward at the waist to hug me awkwardly with barely any of our bodies touching.

They left quickly, and as soon as the front door was locked behind them, Cameron spoke.

“No more overnights with boys and girls,” he ordered, his voice absolute. “You wanna have them over, I don’t give a shit. But the boys aren’t stayin’ if the girls are.”

“Since when do you get to boss me around?” I asked in a surprised voice, crossing my arms over my chest.

“You want them fuckin’ in your bathroom?”

“My bathroom?”

“Only place in the apartment to get some privacy.”

“Hell, no.”

“Then no more overnights.”

He turned and stomped toward the bedroom. “Come on—I’m going the fuck back to bed.”

I snorted and followed him. Poor Cam. He looked like his head was ready to explode.

* * *

“It’s been over twenty-four hours since I’ve been inside you,” Cam murmured a few hours later, after we’d both slept. “Time to remedy that.”

His open mouth ran down my throat and I arched against him, spreading my legs so he could fit his thighs between them. When we’d climbed into bed he’d insisted we sleep naked and I hadn’t argued, even as he’d fallen asleep only minutes later while I’d lay there frustrated, feeling all of his skin against me with no relief in sight.

So now, there was nothing between us as he thrust his hips against mine, the underside of his cock rubbing back and forth against my clit.

“We need to talk,” I mumbled, my eyes still half closed from sleep.

“Not right now, we don’t.”

“Later, then.” It was probably better that I waited until he was lazy and satisfied anyway, he’d probably argue with me less.

His lips ran down the center of my chest as his hips continued to rock in a lazy rhythm. I wrapped my hands around the back of his head as he took one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking gently before moving to the other and giving it the same attention.

“Look how pretty and red they get for me,” he mumbled, swiping his tongue over a nipple.

His lips slid down my stomach and I cried out as his mouth reached my clit, giving it a wet kiss. His tongue slid down, pressing inside me for just a moment before swiping back up slowly. By the time he reached my clit again, I was panting, and my entire body jolted as he made contact.

My knees pulled up as he pressed his mouth harder against me, my legs trembling. Then he pulled away.

“Up,” he ordered harshly, grabbing my hand to pull me onto my knees.

He laid down on his back and slid beneath me, jerking my hips down to his mouth as a sound of surprised arousal flew from my mouth. Holy shit. I ran my hands down his smooth chest as his fingers dug into my hips, my nails digging into his skin as he suddenly sucked hard on my clit.

“Fuck,” I yelled, my entire body jolting.

My hair fell in a long curtain as my body curled forward, and within seconds, Cam’s hand was fisted in the strands, pulling me forward.

I braced my hands beside his hips as his knees came up and widened, his feet flexing against the sheets.