“You okay?” he asked, his face looking slightly panicked.

“Yeah,” I sniffled, chuckling a little. “I don’t know what the fuck this is.”

He laughed before laying down beside me and pulling me into his arms. “I just rocked your world.”

“Yeah, well, I’m still pissed at you.”

I buried my head against his chest and hid my smile as his loud laugh rang through the apartment.

* * *

“You asleep?” I asked later that night, curled up in bed with Cam, the apartment quiet around us.

I knew he wasn’t sleeping. Cam freaking snored. Loudly. At some point, I was going to have to buy him some nose strips or something, but for the past week, the sound had been comforting as it filtered through the walls. I liked knowing that he was there.

I liked knowing that he was comfortable enough in my apartment to sleep deep enough to snore.

“What’s up?” He asked gruffly, pulling my back tighter against his chest.

I wasn’t a small girl, but I felt that way when he spooned me like he was right then.

“Please don’t embarrass me again.”

“Wasn’t tryin’ to embarrass ya.”

“I have a life outside the club—”

“I know that.”

“I have to get along with these people. I’m almost finished with school, and then I’ll be working somewhere. You can’t act like that, Cam. No one will respect me if you do.”

“You gonna have co-workers in our house?”

“Our house?”

“You gonna have men over? Ones that stare at your tits?”


“Then I’m not sure what you’re worried about.”

“I swear to God, talking to you is like talking to a brick wall.”

“Baby, it’s eleven o’clock at night and it’s been a long fuckin’ day. You’re lucky I’m not answerin’ you in snores.”

I sighed and he kissed the back of my neck.

“We’ll figure this shit out, yeah? Just not tonight,” he said sweetly, kissing my neck again.


I closed my eyes briefly then popped them open again. “You ever figure out what was going on with Will?”

“Nah, didn’t see him.”

I relaxed into Cam’s arms and closed my eyes again, but I couldn’t fall asleep. So many things had happened in the last twenty-four hours. Between Cam and I finally getting together, the drama with my dad that morning, knowing I’d have to face Steve in class the next day, and my little freak out when Cam had gone down on me, I had a hard time quieting my thoughts.

I still couldn’t believe Cam was sleeping beside me, his breath wafting across the back of my head. It seemed like I’d wanted to be exactly in that spot for as long as I could remember, and now that I had him, I wasn’t sure what to do with myself. What if becoming a couple was nothing like I’d imagined? I didn’t have a whole lot of experience in any type of long-term relationship, and I knew instinctively that when Cam said this was it, he meant it.

Cam’s arm tightened around my waist as he shifted closer, and suddenly, I was completely calm.

He was right—it had been a long day and I had school bright and early in the morning. I needed to get some rest.

Chapter 7


“Shit,” Trix moaned as I slid into her slowly from behind.

She was on her side, with one knee pulled to her chest, and even though I could barely get any fucking traction when I was on my side behind her, it was still my favorite way to wake her up in the mornings. Trix wasn’t a morning person. She didn’t get out of bed until her alarm had gone off at least three times, so she set them about twenty minutes apart. This meant that her goddamn alarm had been waking me up an hour before she actually needed to be awake since I’d started sleeping with her three weeks ago.

I used that to my advantage.

After the first few times I’d rolled out of bed, expecting her to follow and then not hearing the shower turn on for at least an hour, I started staying in bed.

Turns out, Trix was in a much better mood if she woke up to an orgasm, and it put me in a damn good frame of mind, too.

My hand slid up her stomach and between her breasts to hold her still and I dug my bare toes into the sheets as I thrust harder, making her whimper and groan like she always did before she came.

“Cam,” she murmured, making my entire body stiffen as she got so wet I had a hard time keeping the right angle. Her body bowed forward and she started throbbing around my cock as I came with her.

I slumped into the mattress as I tried to catch my breath.

“Did you turn off my alarm?” she asked groggily as she tried to curl deeper into the blankets.

“Oh, hell, no,” I warned, trying hard not to laugh as she scowled at me over her shoulder. “You’re gettin’ up.”