My mind went blank and I closed my eyes. I didn’t think about what the aftermath would entail, or that I hadn’t even brushed my teeth. Shit, I didn’t even think about the fact that I didn’t keep condoms in my room.

All I could think about was Cam’s large body behind mine and his massive hands on my torso.

“No,” I gasped as his hand slid off my breast.


“Keep going.” I grabbed his hand and pressed it back against my breast as he chuckled against my neck.

“I can do that,” he whispered into my ear. “I’ll make it even better.”

I was nodding my head before he’d even finished speaking. Damn, I knew I was going to regret it, but I was far more worried that I’d never have the chance again than any regrets I’d have afterward.

We were adults. I’d deal.

“You wet?” he asked, sliding his fingers into the front of my underwear as I shook my head. “I better do somethin’ about that.”

My entire body jolted as his fingertips met my pussy, barely skimming over the skin as I tried to widen my legs.

“Stay still,” he warned, tightening the hand on my breast. “I’ll do the work this time, yeah? You just—goddamn, you’re sexy—you just lay right here.”

“This is stupid,” I argued hoarsely, reaching behind me so I could grip his hip. “I won’t come like—”

“You won’t come at all unless you stop movin’,” he warned, pinching my nipple before moving his hand to my other breast. “I know what I’m doin’,” he whispered into my ear as his fingers between my legs pressed harder against me.

“I love this,” he said, running his fingers over the short hair. “Trimmed short, so when I go down on you, it’ll be out of my way.”

“You’re welcome,” I panted, trying really hard not to work my hips against him.

He laughed. “I can’t wait to see what you look like. Bet you’re dark—” His fingers spread my outer lips apart, then slid down between them. “Yeah, you’re dark here, to go along with all that gorgeous tan skin.”

My back arched, and his fingers clamped down against my nipple.

“Look how wet you are now,” he teased, kissing my neck. “Soakin.’ I bet if I pressed—”

“Shit!” My entire body jolted as the heel of his hand pressed down on my clit and two fingers slid inside me.

His palm ran in small circles as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out, and I was so close to the edge, I could have cried.

I took care of business myself on a pretty regular basis, but this impending orgasm was way bigger than anything I could have accomplished on my own. Holy shit.

I turned my face toward his, my dazed eyes meeting his warm ones as he smiled. “I bet your little clit turns bright red when I suck on it,” he said seriously.

That was it.

My orgasm hit hard, and my entire body locked as Cam murmured praise to me, his hand still moving against me as I rode it out.

By the time my body had calmed again, I was turned and pulled halfway on top of Cam’s wide chest.

“Let’s go back to sleep,” I said, sighing.

“Glad you’re all worn out,” he replied dryly, kissing the top of my head. “But we need to hit the road.”

“You want a blow job?”

“Are you offering me head so you don’t have to get out of bed?”

“You’re a poet, and… yes.”

“Yeah, I’m sure that would be fun. Much as I’d like your lips wrapped around me, you’d probably fall asleep on my dick.”

“Would not, and if I did, that’d probably say more about you than me, anyway.”

“Come on, babe,” he said with a laugh, slapping my ass. “Up.”

He pulled me from the bed and slapped my ass again to get me moving.

“You owe me!” he called as I stumbled into the bathroom.

“Yeah, a hand job—maybe,” I called back, swinging the door shut behind me.

I focused on showering and brushing my teeth, refusing to think about the can of worms I’d allowed to be opened. I’d think about it later.

* * *

“You woke me up early to go to my parents’?” I asked incredulously, climbing off the back of Cam’s bike.

“Gotta work, I’ll pick ya up when I’m done,” he replied, making no move to follow me.

“Are you kidding? I’ll be stranded here all day without my car.”

“You’ll be fine. No use drivin’ when I can drop you off.”

“Maybe I had shit to do today!”

“Ya said Tuesday was your day with your ma, right?”

“Not all day!” I argued, getting annoyed. A part of me had hoped that we were just going for a ride, that he’d been planning to spend the day with me. I was irritatingly disappointed that he was just dropping me off.

“I’ll come get you for lunch, then,” he said calmly.