As Nunzio came closer to the V of her legs, he sucked at the skin, sending shockwaves writhing throughout her body.
Nunzio teased her with his finger. He slid one between the fabric of her panties and her swollen womanhood. He placed his lips over the silk and kissed gently. Vanessa bucked ever so slightly.
She flung her arm over the back of the seat to grab on, determined not to make a squeak.
Nunzio moved to her other thigh. He sucked, kissed, nipped, and licked his way down her leg. All while Vanessa watched it happen. Although she purred and hummed with gratification, she sucked in her louder noise instead of releasing it as she normally would.
Nunzio ran back up her inner thigh with his lips one more time before he slid his thumbs in between the delicate fabric of her panties, and he pulled them off painstakingly slowly. Although Vanessa wanted him to rip them off and jump on top of her, she knew that Nunzio always had a plan, and it was always worth the wait.
In a shift of gears, once Nunzio had her panties all the way off, he plunged his face between her legs, causing her to gasp loudly. His tongue quickly found her G-spot, and he began working his mouth as if he were a vampire sucking blood for the first time.
He moved and swayed as Vanessa bucked and shivered under the pulsating intensity running through her body.
Nunzio moved, pulled her off the seat, and threw himself onto the floor. He locked his arms around her knees. He positioned her to sit on his face. Nunzio was blanketed under the tulle, lace, and silk of her dress. Vanessa bucked again. She wanted something to grab onto but couldn’t think to see straight.
Vanessa released a moan of desire as he dug his fingers into her thighs harder. The pressure on her skin created just enough pain to send the electricity of his mouth on her clit, spasming throughout her body as Nunzio helped her unhinge the largest climax she had ever experienced.
She screamed and threw back her head in all its glory.
She rode his face until every ounce of the sparks diminished, and Vanessa slumped over onto the limo seat.
Nunzio crawled out from under her dress and lay his head against the black leather with a crooked smile of passionate exhaustion. He wore a wolfish grin as he crawled over her body. "I won," he whispered and kissed her neck. "I'm pretty sure the driver is now incredibly jealous of me."
Vanessa shuddered underneath his lips, her skin still tender from the pleasure she had just received. She turned her head and smiled. "I don't care."
Vanessa leaned over and undid Nunzio's shirt slowly. She unbuttoned it piece by piece. As each button popped open, she used her tongue to trace over his nipple, then the other. She nipped at the skin around his neck and ran her hands down his abs. Although she did not move as slowly as Nunzio did with her, her movements were calculated to his breathing. She kissed the line underneath his belly button just as she pulled his belt off.
She came back up his chest and kissed his lips. He opened her mouth with his tongue, and they explored each other.
Her hands slid down his abs, quickening his breath from her butterflied touch. She unzipped his pants and released his dick into the world. Vanessa pushed Nunzio backward. He sat with his back on the seat and threw her legs over him.
As Vanessa slid down his thick shaft, Nunzio shuddered. He opened his eyes. "You are incredible."
She smiled down at Nunzio and kissed him deeply as she writhed on his swollen member, as though it was the first time they were together. Nunzio laid his head back on the seat cushion and let the echoes of pleasure radiate from his center outward. He did not hold back his moans.
The louder Nunzio growled with desire, the faster Vanessa went. She moved in and out, up and down. Nunzio gritted his teeth and dug his fingers into her hips as she twisted her tight walls into new directions he didn't know could elicit such a buzz through his body.
He slid to the floor again, ending up underneath Vanessa as she slid and slipped and ejaculated over his penis. She flung herself backward. Nunzio flipped her over to give her a few more thrusts to help her orgasm burst as the centering of his fervor mounted and expelled itself in one sweeping ebb of intensity.
Nunzio grunted, growled, and moaned as he pressed into Vanessa with everything he had. She held onto his back, squeezed on him with her thighs, and dug her nails into his skin. Nunzio exploded into her. Her walls contracted and spasmed around him as they finished.
Vanessa collapsed, threw her arms to her side, and looked up at Nunzio, who was falling out of his intense, voracious state.
His eyes flew open, and Vanessa saw her reflection in gold as his normally ashen-gray eyes had turned into his wolf-like state. She raised her hand to cup his face and traced the lines of his cheekbone down to his lips. "Hey," she said. "That's pretty cool."
Nunzio laughed. “Well. You definitely bring it out of me." He leaned over to kiss her. She opened herself to him again and barely looked embarrassed as the driver opened the door when their ride was over.
As they rode up the elevator in the hotel, they undressed each other almost completely. They ran down the hallway to the honeymoon suite and spent the next few days naked, in bed, and in any other place they wanted to try.
Time had passed so quickly that it felt like whiplash.
Sometimes Nunzio woke in the morning and lay still because all he could do was marvel at how lucky he was. He really had won the lottery in life. He had started as a made man. And become a husband and father.
It was difficult to partially remove himself from the life. There was no way to completely extricate himself. But he had done a pretty good job.