Vanessa thought of her mother and the heartbreak she had suffered. She thought of her father being ripped from her life and the pieces left in his wake. His story wasn't unique. It was the reality of any family connections. A reality she had spent her entire life running from.
She looked into his eyes and knew she could trust him, but what if that wasn't enough? What if there came a time when he needed to make a choice? Who would it be? And what would be the outcome of it?
Vanessa closed her eyes, shutting down the onslaught of doubt that rose. She was tired too. Tired of being unhappy. Tired of being scared. Tired of loving the one man she shouldn't in silence.
Nunzio had proved himself to her. She could feel the vulnerability in his confession. He meant everything he said. He wouldn’t put the family before her. But she couldn’t expect him to turn his back on them either. She would never ask him to. Vanessa would allow him to show her, just like he had today, that he would do what was right.
She was his. And he would always protect her with every ounce of strength he had. Now it was time to show hers in return. All great things were worth fighting for.
Suddenly the storm inside her quieted. She stood on the edge of her sanity, looking back at all the truths she once clung to.
And she let go.
Opening her eyes, she searched his gray ones. A tinge of hurt lingered in the shadows. Her silence had given him a sense of unease. Before he could follow the train of catastrophic thinking, she intercepted his hesitation.
“I love you too,” she blurted.
Staring at her in disbelief, he said, "Say it again."
“I love you.” She laughed. “You don’t have to act so shocked.”
"You know you can't take it back," he said, taking a step forward.
Nunzio picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He bit his bottom lip. Lust and delight darkened his gray eyes. A growl erupted from his chest, and she smiled at him. They wouldn't make it out of the docks if he kept doing that. Maybe he knew that already.
"I wouldn't dream of it," she said, kissing him.
He kissed her back, roughly taking her mouth before he pulled back. Placing her on her feet, his smile settled.
“What's wrong?” she asked
"I just want to make sure that we're not getting carried away. We need to lay it all on the table."
“Oh, playing for keeps, are we?”
"That's all I play for," he responded. "Are you okay with me being a shifter? Because if it's too much for you, I understand. I honestly would rather you walk away now."
“What are you talking about? That doesn't matter to me.”
"What about children? They'll be shifters."
"Okay, we're gonna save the kid talk for another time, but again, it wouldn’t bother me.”
“Why?” he asks curiously.
Vanessa felt her cheeks heat. She kept her eyes locked with his, not wanting him to think she was embarrassed. Again, maybe she was the broken one, but the sight of Nunzio transforming into a wolf was more of a turn-on than she could have imagined.Well, if we're being completely honest, then fuck it.
Vanessa lowered her eyes, biting the side of her bottom lip. Nunzio followed her movements. His nostrils flared, and he inhaled. A low growl filled his chest, and his eyes darkened.
"Aren't you full of surprises?" he said
“I could always be full of other things,” she whispered.
Nunzio groaned, a sound that nestled its way between her thighs. His mouth covered hers, and she parted her lips. His tongue answered her invitation exploring the heat of her mouth. Every stroke of his tongue sent shivers down her spine. He pulled her bottom lip with his teeth, and she sighed.
His rough hands slid across the contours of her curves, and she leaned into his touch. Pressing her chest to his, her body moved to his call. His kiss was claiming, and she was ready to be claimed.