The longer I talked, the harder her jaw clenched. Her fingers tightened around the hilt of the blade so hard her knuckles turned white.

“Well, I don’t have to tellyou,” I said as her eyes narrowed.

“Maybe I do. Did he never do that for you?”

Sif let out a shriek of anger and lunged for me again with the blade. She was still strong and fast, but her form was getting sloppy. I needed to piss her off more.

“You’re lying!” she screeched.

“I’m not. The first night was after our date. He took me on the roof to watch the planes land. He ate me out on the roof. I wasn’t planning on letting it go that far, but I got caught up in the moment.” I shrugged. “Then after that, well, you interrupted what I am sure was going to be me riding his face in the gym, and then after I was attacked at work, he saved me again, so I showed him how grateful I was, and he just couldn’t help returning the favor before he took me against a bookshelf. I have to say I’ve never had a lover so passionate. The way he touches me, letting his fingers softly caress my skin like it’s the softest thing he has ever touched, like he worships my body.”

She gave an ugly laugh. “You are so pathetic. You think your lies are going to piss me off?”

“I think we both know I’m not lying. His teeth marks are still on my ass cheek if you don’t believe me.” I gave what I hoped was a sweet smile.

Sif swiped out with the blade again. I deflected the worst of it, getting a scratch on my right forearm. Then Sif punched me in the gut, right under my ribs. I stumbled back, doubled over, coughing, and trying to gasp for breath.

She could have slit my throat right then, but she must have let her anger cloud her thoughts. She probably wanted to make me suffer instead of just kill me outright.

“You’re nothing but a lying whore!” she screamed before a right hook slammed into my jaw.

It split my lip against my teeth and knocked me over. I crawled away from her, scooting on the floor, trying to catch my breath, and spitting blood out of my mouth.

“Which is it? Am I lying, or am I a whore?” I asked when I stood up, one arm covering my stomach.

“You are a dead woman,” she hissed.

“I still can’t believe Rune was a selfish lover with you. Was he just not into it? Or did he have to close his eyes and think about someone else?” I taunted. “We didn’t even get to the really intense, angry sex we had on your bed after I ripped apart your room.” I laughed, wincing when my diaphragm shot shards of pain through my lungs. “I found the pictures you hid from him, the ones of him sleeping. Those were fucking creepy.”

Her eyes lit with rage, turning a dark crimson color. That, if I were being honest, was not unattractive. If only it was on anyone else.

Literally anyone else.

“My point is,” I continued, stopping only to spit more blood out of my mouth. “You are jealous. Is it of me specifically? Am I that threatening, or is it more of a ‘he is my man, no one can touch him’ kind of thing?” I spit out another mouthful of blood while Sif seethed, gripping the knife so hard her hand was shaking. “It’s me, isn’t it? That’s why you keep calling me a whore and slut. It’s because it only took Rune seeing me once in passing to know that you are a frigid bitch and will never satisfy him the way he needs. He tookonelook at me, and he left you for a little halfling he’d never even talked to before.”

“Shut up!” Sif screamed. Tears were streaming down her red face.

Almost there.

“But wait, he didn’t even know I was half demon then. He left you for a human,” I said.

“Why you?” she screamed. “Why did it have to be you?”

“It didn’t.” I shrugged, sending a jolt of pain through my arm. “It will just never be you.”

Sif screamed again and raised the knife, running at me. I sidestepped the attack and landed a punch on the back of her head. She went down hard, hitting her head on the metal frame bolted to the concrete. Whether it was the tears blurring her vision or her anger preventing her from seeing my punch coming, I’ll never know.

She was still breathing but out cold.

* * *

I grabbed her knife and wiped my blood off on my jeans. When I got out of here, I was taking a long bath, a handful of silver leaf pills, and then sleeping for a week. My entire body ached. The tips of my fingers in my right hand were now tingling. The blood soaking my shirt had started to dry, making it cold, stiff, and itchy. I couldn’t tell how much blood I’d lost, but I bet it was a fair amount. My stomach ached, and I was developing a headache.

I didn’t know what to do next.

Should I wait for Rune and everyone to get here? Try to break down that door and see if Vivi was here? Did I just hope Sif was alone, and this place wasn’t crawling with bad guys?

My unasked questions were answered when I heard a slow clapping sound coming from behind me by the door Sif had come out of.