“I bit you, drawing blood, and you are asking ifIam okay? No. No, I’m not okay.” My heart was racing, and a thin sheen of sweat broke out all over my body. “What’s happening to me?”
“You are coming into your demon abilities. You have been for some time now, I think.”
“Why now? Don’t I have enough shit going on?” I grabbed a first aid kit that I had seen earlier in the medicine cabinet. I batted Rune’s hands away from his chest and used an alcohol wipe to clean the small punctures.
“Stress,” Rune answered, wincing at the sting of the alcohol. “Though your eyes have flashed violet a few times and your claws came out earlier too. You will probably get whatever other abilities you will have in the next year or two. Then you will learn to control them like the rest of us have.”
“Oh joy.” The sarcasm was so thick it practically dripped from my lips. “Fangs and claws. What’s next? Fur? A love for the full moon?”
“Weres and other animal shifters aren’t demons. They are fae.” Rune lifted my chin, forcing my gaze to meet his. “Your eyes. They light up a sexy lilac color with powerful emotion. Other than that, we will have to wait and find out. It would be easier if we knew what your father was.”
“Well, I don’t.” I turned back to the mirror, inspecting my fangs again. Maybe the demon side did actually come from my father, I doubt my mother would have been able to hide fangs.
As I ran my tongue over the smooth surface, I found them tender but strong and very sharp. Honestly, I kind of liked them. They were small, they felt good, and they made me look a little dangerous. The new nails definitely added to that aesthetic.
They looked good; they felt better. They felt like me.
“My eyes look the same,” I said. The same emerald green as my mother’s eyes.
Rune wrapped one arm around me, sliding his hand under my shirt, pressing it against my lower stomach. “They change with powerful emotions. When you saw the security tape, they changed for sure, and when you are pissed off at me, but also when I kissed you in the museum, they flickered. They were a sexy lavender color when you had your lips wrapped around my cock.” He pressed his pelvis against my ass, his cock hardening.
My body instantly responded to his, heating at his touch, pressing back against him.
“And when you were looking at those pictures of me that Sif took. Were you turned on by the pictures, or jealous she took them?”
“Both.” My skin tingled where his fingers caressed my stomach. “I hate that another woman got to see you like that. I hate she got to know you, to touch you, to be possessed by you.”
Rune bent down, pressing his soft lips to the sensitive skin on my neck. “I won’t lie to you, Tori. Sif and I had a lot of time together, most of it good. But in those years she and I were together, none of that has ever been as powerful as these few days with you. Since the moment I kissed you in the museum, I knew that this was different. It was so much more. I can’t change what happened in the past with Sif. But I will do whatever I can to prove to you that you’re in my present and in as much as my future as you will have.”
My knees went a little weak at his words. I thought back to my past relationships, and I understood completely what Rune meant. The times I’d had with other men were good, some great, but the intensity was never there. I was missing it. It was why none of my relationships never really lasted.
But when Rune touched me, I was afraid my body would combust. His fingers softly glided over my lower stomach. Barely a whisper of his touch was enough to set my body on fire.
I turned in his arms so I was facing him. “I’m sorry I bit you.” My cheeks heated at the admission.
“Don’t be. It was hot as fuck.” He grabbed me by the waist and hoisted me onto the bathroom counter, stepping between my legs. “Next time I piss you off, or you need to get my attention, sink those sexy little fangs into me.”
He pressed against my clothed core to prove his point. His cock was rock-hard, probably weeping pre-cum and ready to bury itself in me again.
“You sure there’s nothing we can do to get Vivi back?” I asked, biting my lip, flashing a little fang.
“Nothing. I have every demon on the police force searching for her, but until Sif contacts us, there is nothing we can do.”
“Would you think less of me if I wanted to do something petty and vindictive?” I asked, licking my lips then batting my eyelashes at him.
He looked worried, cocking his head to the side and furrowing his eyebrows. “Depends. What do you want to do?”
“I want to fuck you in her bed. I want you to come while in her bed with my name on your lips.”
Was it my best moment?
Did I give a fuck?
Also no.
Rune picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, and carried me back into the bedroom. He threw me on the bed, making another corner of the fitted sheet pop off. He tore off his shirt and threw it across the room.