When the sliding door of the van opened, Vivi stiffened, clearly uncomfortable about a change in the situation. She was shaking her head and looking back at the door. Vivi said something to someone in the back of the van with her hands up.
Then she turned away from the van and ran back to the front door.
A hooded figure jumped out of the van and was on top of Vivi in a flash.
The figure grabbed Vivi and dragged her back to the van kicking and screaming.
She looked terrified. She’d needed me. While my baby sister needed me, I was off having sex with some guy.
I’d failed her.
Tears streamed down her face, and the figure pulled her into the van.
She was a fighter. She fought with everything she had in her little body. She even got halfway out of the van when the figure slammed Vivi’s head against the side. Her body went completely limp and fell to the ground, leaving the smear of blood on the pavement.
The figure picked her up and tossed her into the back of the van. They looked at the front door as though to make sure no one saw them. When they looked, there was a clear view of their face under that black hood.
“Is that who I think it is?” Tab asked.
At the same time, Murmur said, “What in the actual fuck?”
What Would Ethyl Do?
My heart pounded in my ears. My fists tightened as I stared at the screen. The only thing I could see was her face, partially hidden by a hoodie.
It was clear who’d taken my sister.
That bitch kidnapped my little sister. When she came after me, that was one thing. I could handle it, but turning her hatred of me onto my little sister?
That was fucked up, even for a psychotic ex.
“Tori!” Sarah shouted, grabbing my jaw and making me look away from the screen.
“What?!” I yelled, baring my teeth. I wanted to hurt someone. My fingers ached to tear into Sif and make her pay.
Sarah stared at me in horror, eyes wide and her mouth open. “Your eyes,” she whispered, backing into Tab.
Murmur grabbed my arm; I tried to lash out at him with my other hand, fingers bent like claws. He grabbed that arm too and twisted both of them behind my back.
“Get off of me!” I yelled, trying to shake him away.
“Tori, calm down,” Rune barked.
“Fuck you!” I snarled. “You said you would protect us! You said you would keep her safe!”
Rune couldn’t meet my eyes. He opened and closed his mouth like he was looking for the words that would make this better.
Nothingcould make this better.
“This is your fault! If she harms one fucking hair on her head, I swear to god—”
“Breathe, Tori,” Murmur whispered in my ear, still restraining me.
His hands clasped on my arms grew warm. The heat of my rage left my body and funneled into his. When the rage was gone, I felt cold, empty.