“No, no, I had never seen them before,” I said, pulling the pillow back into my chest. “Can I please go home?”
“Yes,” Rune answered. “I’ll go get your phone, give you a few minutes alone if you want to clean up or change. Bathroom is through there. I’ll meet you right outside the door and take you home.”
“Okay,” I agreed and watched them both leave the room.
I quickly got out of the bed, headed to the bathroom, took care of what I needed to, changed quickly, and avoided looking at myself in the mirror. The bruises and scrapes that covered my face hurt enough already. Besides, if I stopped to look, it would cost precious seconds I couldn’t afford to spare. Since they’d left, panic had set in.
Now to make a great escape.
I glanced out the window, and it was bright as fuck, sending more pain cutting through my head.
The good news: it looked like I was in downtown Phoenix. It would be easy to grab a ride on a bus or the light rail and get home. If I had my phone, I could get an Uber in a matter of seconds.
The bad news: I was at least three stories up and the landscaping below was gravel and a cactus. I had to find another way out.
I pressed my ear to the door leading to the hallway.
Good. Rune probably wasn’t back yet.
I cracked open the door to a well-lit hallway. It was the most non-descript hallway I had ever seen. The walls were a pale cream color, and there were a few doors lining each wall. It looked like it could be a hall anywhere. I couldn’t even tell if it was a home or an office. The only thing I knew was the hall was in the middle of the building. There were no windows or signs telling me which way would take me out.
Right or left?
Rune stepped around the corner to the left, holding a cup of coffee and a bottle of water. He saw me, and before he could say anything, I ran right.
It only took a few seconds for Rune to call out for me to stop. Thankfully, there was staircase not too far from the corner. I hurried down the stairs. I just need to find a door to find a way out.
At the bottom of the stairs, I took another hard right. It led me to another hall with large metal double doors at the end.
“Tori, wait. Don’t,” Rune yelled.
He sounded like he was catching up. I needed to move faster. I slammed into the doors, pushing through them. They swung open into what looked like a gym.
A beautiful, fierce woman was wielding a massive dagger in the middle of the room. She was fighting Murmur. I watched, stunned, as she dodged Murmur’s fist, then sank the dagger into his side.
I screamed.
I just wanted to leave, but I’d just witnessed a murder. There was no way they would let me escape now.
The woman yanked the dagger out of Murmur’s side and started walking towards me before Murmur’s body had even hit the floor.
I spun around to look for another escape, but Rune was right behind me.
He grabbed both of my arms. “What happened? Why did you scream?”
“She saw Sif stab Murmur,” another voice answered. This one was light and high-pitched, childish even, but I didn’t see anyone else in the room.
I couldn't tell where it was coming from until a girl who was maybe twelve, and looked very much like my baby sister, floated down to the ground with red feathered wings.
“Hi, I’m Evie. What’s your name?”
I stared wide-eyed until I felt another hand on my shoulder. The world went black again.
* * *