Apparently, the nursing home was going through a Scottish Highlander phase. Nothing but well-loved books with half-naked men in kilts looking a little worse for wear needed to be reshelved.
My boss came to the back row letting me know the store was empty, so she was going to run a few errands. I nodded and said I would keep an ear out for any customers.
I went back to my task, still thinking about Ethyl. I used to ask myself more than once WWED.
What would Ethyl do?
Ethyl would never be a bystander in her own life. Maybe I needed to ask myself that more often.
What would Ethyl do? Would she have stood by while a woman said all those things about her?
No, she would have snarled right back.
Would she have stood back and let her best friend make such a big decision on her own?
Probably not. She would have at least been there for moral support, probably with a bottle of whiskey and a cake in the shape of a dick, because that was just how she rolled.
Would Ethyl have let some hot guy take control of a dangerous situation without even asking questions?
I had to think about that one a little. I wanted to say no, but she’d had seven husbands, and I had caught her leering at the nursing home attendant a few times.I had a sinking suspicion she had made some questionable life choices for a hot man.
Everyone had their kryptonite.
Maybe I should call Rune. When I came to work, I didn’t think I was going to be alone. Maybe I should let him know where I was.
The store was dead. Maybe I could convince him to come by and hang while I sorted these books? It would give me a chance to apologize for being a little harsh and then running off. It would also give us a chance to talk alone, but without the opportunity to let our hormones take over.
Then I remembered something Ethyl said to me once when she saw me upset over some guy.“We occasionally do dumb shit for a pretty man. If we didn’t, humanity would have died off centuries ago. The trick is to know when it’s okay to follow lust and when it’s time to take control back. If you are wondering if it’s time, then honey, it is past time.”
Ethyl was right.
I needed to talk to Rune again. I needed to demand more information on what was being done to keep me and Vivi safe. Rune was going to help me help Sarah, or he would get the fuck out of the way while we figured it out together. I slid my phone back into my pocket.
He could wait.
The bell above the door chimed, signaling a customer had walked into the shop. My boss would have used the door in the back, and we didn’t have any more deliveries for the day. I dusted off my jeans and stood then opened my mouth to let them know I would be right there.
Then I heard a familiar voice.
“Split up. That little bitch is here somewhere.” It was the demon who’d attacked me at the park and my home.
Prison Tat. I thought he was in a cell in Flagstaff being interrogated.
Fuck Ethyl. What did she know?
She was human and not being hunted by freaking demons.
I crouched down and listened carefully for their footsteps. The carpet muffled each step, but these men walked heavily enough I could still get an idea where they were. I crawled on my hands and knees slowly, trying to be as silent as possible. The rough carpet scraped against my palms.
In the back corner was the reference section. We filled the bookshelves with dusty encyclopedias and reference maps. There wasn’t a lot of call for this area, so it wasn’t well-kept, but there was a massive drafting table where people could unroll the maps.
I headed to that corner, thinking maybe I could hide under the table long enough to get a message to Rune or Murmur.
As I went to turn a corner, Prison Tat came around the opposite side of the shelf. My heartbeat pounded in my ears as I ducked back. I bit my lip and tried to slow my breathing. I needed to be as silent as possible.
His footsteps were coming towards me. A cold sweat ran down my back.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.