* * *
When I got to the library, the room was bright with morning sun streaming in from the skylights. I loved the way the windows focused the lights into bright beams, almost looking like spotlights hitting the chairs and tables. I even loved the few dust motes that floated in and out of the lights. It made the massive room feel somehow magical and homey at the same time.
I plopped myself down on an overstuffed hair, watching as Vivi and Evie were poring over a map in the corner. Closing my eyes for a moment, I tried to let the tension and stress from this morning go.
It was an enormous relief knowing Sarah didn’t intentionally lie to me, but what kind of friend was I if she was going through all this alone? She was dealing with bullshit, and I hadn’t noticed it. I knew I had my shit going on too, but if I were being honest, I hadn’t been dealing with that either.
I must have fallen asleep for a moment. When I woke up, Sarah was stretched out on the couch in front of me, already well into a sketch of Vivi and Evie.
“We need help dealing with this shit.” I stretched out my shoulders and suppressed a yawn. “Do you think there is a self-help book for this shit? Like, I don’t know,The 7 Steps of Highly Effective Nephilim? OrHow to Win Angels and Influence Demons?”
“MaybeAwakening Your Inner Angel? Or Chicken Soup for the Demon’s Soul?” Sarah said without looking up from her sketchbook.
“More likeThis Demon Wears Gucci.” Murmur came around the couch and set a drink carrier with three large hot drinks from Dutch Bros along with a few muffin tops. “Okay, I have a molten lava for the brand new baby demon.” He handed me a cup filled with my favorite Dutch Bros coffee: a large mocha with cinnamon syrup for a warm spicy kick.
The smell of coffee, chocolate, and cinnamon was enough to melt the stress away. This wasn’t just coffee; it was a hug in a paper cup, with a signature blue lid that told me to Be Awesome.
“And a cranberry orange muffin top.”
The prepackaged confection hit me in the chest when he threw it.
Sugar, caffeine, and carbs. Was there anything else a girl really needed?
“Thank you,” I said after taking my first sip, letting the dark chocolate engulf my senses.
“No problem,” Murmur said before handing Sarah a cup. “Golden Eagle breve for the weirdo and a chocolate chip muffin top. Have you guys ever considered a healthier breakfast? Something with substance and protein?”
“I sent you to bring us coffee and food, not comments.” Sarah took a sip from her drink. “This is good. You can go now.”
“Rude. I just brought you coffee, and I don’t even get to hang with you?”
“Nope.” Sarah smiled sweetly. “We are going to talk about girly things.”
“Are you saying because I am a man, I wouldn’t be able to add to a conversation about ‘girly things’?”
“Yes,” Sarah and I answered together.
“Sexist much?”
“Well, I can’t exactly tell her what a mediocre kisser you are in front of you, can I?” Sarah batted her eyelashes.
“And I can’t tell her exactly how big Rune’s dick is with you here,” I added.
“Please, after what I walked in on this morning, that is hardly news,” Murmur said to me before turning back to Sarah. “And I am not mediocre. How dare you.”
“Leave,” Sarah and I said together.
“Fine.” Murmur grabbed his coffee and got up, pouting. Then he smirked and typed out something on his phone.
A moment later, Sarah looked at her phone and blushed. She flipped Murmur off, and he walked away with a massive grin.
“What was that?” I took another sip of my coffee.
“That was a cocky, arrogant asshole.”
“Uh-huh. And what did the cocky, arrogant asshole text you that made you, the wicked bitch of the southwest, blush? It must have been good, and how do you know he is a mediocre kisser?”
“If he was a mediocre kisser, my life would be far less complicated right now.” Sarah put her coffee down and turned back to her sketchbook. “But honestly, we have too much shit going on to worry about men.”