He had barely touched me, just a few kisses while playing with my chest, but I was already a flushed, quivering mess.
“How does that sound?”
“What are you waiting for?” I unwrapped my legs from him, trying not to let it show how badly they were shaking.
“Good girl.” He winked at me as he moved along my body, sliding his hands to my hips to drag my leggings down.
We were so absorbed in each other we didn’t realize we weren’t alone until Murmur’s voice cut through the tension like a large bucket of ice water.
“Dudes, hang a sock on the door,” Murmur said, pretending to cover his eyes.
Next to him stood Sif, and she was fuming.
I scrambled to right my top. It was definitely ruined, but it at least covered what I needed it to. Thank god he hadn’t pulled down my leggings yet.
Rune reached over to grab his shirt but pressed it to his lap instead of putting it on.
“What in the actual fuck!” Sif screamed. “Really? This is a public place! I know you have a private room and a bed for shit like this! Really, do you have to degrade our gym with this month’s flavor?”
“Don’t talk about her like that.” Rune seethed while standing up. “You sound jealous, Sif. It isn’t a good look on you.”
I looked over at Murmur, who was trying not to laugh.
“You think I give a fuck who you screw? I just don’t want to walk into the gym and see you fucking a little half-breed where I warm up. My god, you’d think after the last time you were caught with your bare ass hanging out in the gym that you would have learned better. I learned from that experience. Why didn’t you?”
My stomach twisted at the thought that at one point Rune might have whispered those words to someone else in the same room.
Shit! What was I doing? I barely knew him; one date, and I was ready to fuck him on a roof or a gym floor! Where anyone can walk in on us.
What was wrong with me?
“I would have thought that experience taught you how to knock,” Rune yelled back.
“This is a shared space! If you are going to insist on sticking your dick in that little slut, then take her to your bed where you fuck everything else that moves!” Sif screamed, then threw her water bottle at Rune and turned to me. “You are nothing. You are less than nothing, and you do not belong here. Neither does your angel whore friend or your tramp-in-training sister.”
“Fuck you.” Had she left it at throwing insults at me, I wouldn’t have given a fuck, but no one went after Sarah, and no one even thought about going after Vivi. I jumped to my feet. “Do not take your frustration out on me because you can’t get laid. I don’t give a fuck what you say about me. You will keep my sisters’ names out of your bitch mouth.”
“Or what? You are going to make me put you on your ass again?”
“That is enough!” Rune yelled.
“Sif, you went too far,” Murmur said, stepping between us.
“Fuck both of you and your cum dumpsters.” She turned and stomped out of the gym.
“Sif!” Rune yelled. “You will apologize now.” He followed her out of the gym.
Murmur and I stood there for a moment, just watching the door slam behind them.
“So… Good morning. Did you sleep okay?” Murmur asked.
I burst out laughing.
“You know she didn’t mean what she said, right?” Murmur walked over to the bottle she had thrown and picked it up.
“Oh yes, she did. But I think it has more to do with whatever you aren’t telling me about their previous relationship than me. As long as she doesn’t say shit to Vivi, I don’t care.”
“You want some coffee?” Murmur asked.