“I do the same thing,” I said. “Not on my roof. People would find me. But when I need to think, sometimes I run, or other times I just hop in my car, go to Sonic, get a cherry limeade and some tots, then drive to a random empty parking lot at a park or something, and just watch the planes.”

“Do you ever think about the people on the planes?” he asked.

“Sometimes,” I admitted. “I think about who they might be. Sometimes I make up little stories for them.”

“I do too.” Rune grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. “Come. Lie down with me.”

I lay down next to him, resting my head on his chest. We talked for a while, making up stories about different people who might be on each plane. I talked about a woman who was running away from her boring life and moving to LA to become an actress. He talked about a boy who was leaving home to start college in a different country where everything would be different.

While we talked, Rune ran his fingers through my hair, and we finished the wine, ignoring the glasses and drinking straight from the bottle.

“Tell me a secret?” I asked. The wine had taken the edge off, and I was nice and relaxed in his arms.

“Hmm, that you are smart, beautiful, and totally hot for me,” Rune answered.

“Is the secret that you love10 Things I Hate About You?”

“Don’t tell anyone. I will never hear the end of it. But I mean, can you blame me? Heath Ledger was hot.”

“Ohh, sothatis why you are into me. I would make a magnificent beard,” I teased, making Rune laugh.

“I think you know exactly how into you I am.”

“I really don’t. You should tell me.” I looked up at him and winked.

“How about I show you?” Rune rolled over towards me and put one hand under my waist and the other on my shoulder. He leaned in like he was going to kiss me, then he rolled back over, taking me with him.

I let out a yip when Rune swung me over so I was now sitting up, straddling his lap.

Instead of leaning down to kiss Rune like I really wanted to, I sat back, grinding down on him a little. “Seriously, tell me a secret. I want to know something about you that no one else knows.”

“No one knows I come up here.”

“I want more.”

“Demanding, aren’t you?”

“You have no idea.” I bit my lip, making Rune groan a bit.

“Okay, let me think…” Rune ran his hands up my outer thighs under my skirt. “You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, and all I can think about is how good you smell, how soft your skin is, and how sweet your lips are.” He pulled me down to meet his mouth.

As tempting as those lush lips were, I sat back, not bending down for him. “Considering how many times we have been walked in on with you about to kiss me, that is not much of a secret either.”

“You are not letting me off the hook, are you?” Rune asked, leaning up to steal another kiss.

This time I let him; I tasted the sweet wine on his lips before I pushed him back down.

“No, sir, I am not,” I said, trying to give him a stern look before erupting into giggles.

Rune used his legs to knock me forward onto my hands above him. Then he rolled us over again so he was on top of me.

I thought he was going to kiss me again; I was ready for that. When I looked up at him, he had a serious look on his face.

“I don’t want the crown, and I never did. I hate the responsibility and the burden it puts on my life, but there is not a damn thing I can do about it,” Rune answered seriously.

“Maybe that is why you are the one who gets to be king. If you wanted it, you would only see the power and not the responsibility. By seeing it as a job, then you are more likely to take it seriously.”

“You are the first person who hasn't dismissed ruling like it was some kind of gift.”