Sif was beautiful, strong, and confident. She embodied the woman I wanted to be. If he left her for me, how long would it be until he realized I wasn’t worth it?

Only one way to find out.

I took a deep breath and remembered what my mom used to tell me when I was little. “When you are feeling scared or anxious, or letting that little voice of negativity control your mind, stop. Take a moment to feel your feelings. Really understand them. Then do whatever it is anyway.”

I took another deep breath, straightening my spine, pushing my shoulders back. I liked Rune a lot. He liked me. We were going to go enjoy some time together and see if there might be something between us.

Nothing more, nothing less.

When I opened my eyes, I felt steady again.

I had twenty minutes to get ready for a date and no idea where we were going. Why did men do this to us? We needed to at least have an idea for a dress code.

Finally, my phone pinged with a text.

Small Blonde

I won’t tell you where he is taking you, but Evie and I agree. You want to wear a dress and heels you can walk in. I had Rune drive us home so I could pick out a dress for you. It is in your closet.

Really, she couldn’t have told me that an hour ago when I asked?!

Small Blonde

Also, Rune is nervous as fuck. He keeps pacing around the library. Please hurry and get him out of here. He is annoying.

A huge smile broke out over my face. It was hard to imagine Rune being nervous about taking me out. But I was going to do my best to make the wait worth it.

In the closet, I found my favorite retro-inspired little black dress. The bodice was low-cut and too small so it made my chest look porn-star worthy. It also had a full skirt that was flirty and fun, short enough to be cute, but long enough so I wasn’t uncomfortable.

Vivi also grabbed my red MaryJane’s with kitten heels and matching skinny red belt. When that kid came through, she came through hard.

Deciding to lean into the retro vibe, I dried my hair and left it in soft waves, then teased my bangs a little and pinned them back. I added a soft smoky eye with cat eyeliner and a red lip gloss. Simple, easy, and very effective.

I took a step back and looked at myself in a full-length mirror. I was happy with the result, especially since the silver leaf pills Rune had given me earlier had healed all the bruises and cuts that had marred my face this morning.

So far, Rune had seen me when I was sweating like a pig, running at the park, nearly beaten to death, fighting for my life, and had just woken up. What if I didn’t measure up to what he really wanted?

My phone dinged, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Small Blonde

Stop panicking, I’m sure you look fine. At least I hope you do. He is on his way to your door. Incoming.

Before I could think of how to respond to Vivi, a knock came from the other side of my door. I opened it to Rune holding a vase with a single dark red rose.

He had changed to a pair of tight, dark-washed jeans and a black button-down shirt. He even left the first two buttons undone, showing just a hint of his tattoo. His hair was gathered into a low man bun that somehow looked messy and sleek at the same time. He looked good.

“Wow,” I said under my breath.

“I am pretty sure that is my line.” Rune smiled and handed me the flower. “You look amazing. Are you ready to go?”

“Thank you, it’s lovely.” I took the vase and set it on the dresser, taking a moment to calm my racing heartbeat. I couldn’t even remember the last time a man brought me a flower before a date. I grabbed my purse that was just big enough for my lip gloss, phone, and wallet. “I am ready.”

I closed the door behind me and took Rune’s outstretched hand. He led me back to his Mustang.

“The first place is pretty close, but then I made reservations for dinner, and the restaurant is farther.” He opened the car door for me.

I didn’t think anyone had ever opened a car door for me.