“I told you before, Tori. I like you. I want to see more of you. Let me get to know you. You are so beautiful, it hurts, even battered and bruised. I don’t care if you choose to stay here or go home. I want to know everything there is about you. Tell me you want to see if there is really something here too.”

“Yes.” I wanted that more than anything, the way he smelled like warm spices and the electricity that danced over my skin at his touch, I wanted anything he was willing to give me.

“Yes what, Tori?” Rune leaned in closer, his eyes dipping to my lips. Could he be feeling everything that I am? Was it this intense for him too?

He was so close. The alluring, spicy smell of his cologne filled my nose. My thighs clenched around him. The smirk on his lips said he knew how he was affecting me, and I didn’t care.

“I like you too. I want to see what this is between us,” I said, sliding my hands to rest on his shoulders.

Rune moved in to kiss me. His lips almost touched mine when Evie’s voice shattered the moment.

“And here we see a wild demon outside of his natural habitat,” she said in a terrible Australian accent. “He ventured from the gym to the library to seek a mate. He is plying the unwitting female with gifts of chocolate and testosterone.”

Vivi stood next to her with a smile and used her fingers to mimic a tourist to take a photo.

Rune let out a huff of disappointment as he sat back on his heels then moved back to sitting next to me on the couch, this time much closer.

“What are you girls up to?” I asked, trying to get my hormones back under control.

“I think the better question is what are YOU two up to?” Vivi said.

“Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about.” I answered with a smile.


“Anyway,” Evie interrupted. “If you two will keep your clothes on, Kylie is in the gym and wanted to know if Tori would like to learn some basic moves. Apparently, by maiming her earlier, you have piqued her interest, and she wants to see what else you can do before she starts building a training plan for you.”

“Yeah, that seems like a great idea,” I said at the same time Rune said, “Now? Really?”

I got up to follow the girls to the gym. Rune grabbed my hand and stopped me, pulling my body against his.

“Let me take you out tonight. Away from here and interruptions. A proper date. I promise you won’t forget it.” His lips whispered against my neck, making my knees weak and my heart skip. “Let me show you what it means to be with a demon.”


Girl Got Skills

“Come on, I know you can move better than that,” Kylie said as I landed on my ass again.

Murmur reached down to offer me a hand up.

“Again,” I said.

Sweat dripped down my back, my ass hurt where I kept landing on it, and those blue mats lining the floor weren’t as forgiving as I had hoped. My earlier success was a distant memory as I kept being knocked down over and over.

If I wanted to be a badass, to protect myself and my sisters, I needed to be better. I was starting to think that I really was destined to live my life in a cubicle, letting stronger people handle threats.

In every single movie, the hero went from loser to gangster in a two-minute montage with kick-ass ’80s rock music. Why couldn’t real life be that easy?

Murmur threw a left hook. I dodged it, then he swept out his leg. I jumped over it while landing a solid punch to his shoulder. He came around with a right jab that caught my shoulder, then he kicked out again, connecting with my stomach and sending me back just to land on my ass again.

“You move really well for a human,” Kylie said, handing me a towel. “But for a demon…eh, you’ll get there with more practice.”

“What do you mean ‘eh’?” Murmur asked. “This is her first training session, and she is landing hits. That is incredible.”

“Yeah, but she is landing hits onyou. So, I repeat, ‘Eh.’ She’ll get there,” she teased.

“Hey, I have been training all my life,” Murmur said in self-defense.