I Would Love to Say This Is the First Time I Woke up in a Stranger’s Bed, But…
Iam never drinking again.
My head throbbed, my stomach rolled, and my chest ached. Okay, that last one was not a normal hangover symptom.
The creaking of the opening door sent spikes of pain through my temples. What a way to wake up. Why little sisters felt the need to exploit hangovers like the evil little gremlins they were, I would never know.
Was it her fault I had a splitting headache?
Was she going to die if she wasn’t holding aspirin and coffee?
Probably, and I didn’t smell the sweet aroma of freshly brewed magic bean juice.
“Vivi, if you are here to judge my life choices, I am going to need coffee first.”
“I am not Vivi, but I could arrange the coffee.”
My eyes shot open wide at the sound of the deep voice. At the foot of the bed—that was not mine—was a very large, wet, and naked man.
He looked like he just stepped off a photo shoot for the cover of a heavy metal surfers’ magazine. Rich, honey-brown hair reached his shoulders, the same shoulders that were covered with intricate tribal tattoos that wrapped around his chest and down to his abs and then hid beneath the towel slung low across hiships.
“Holy abs, Batman.” My gaze followed a drop of water fall from his hair and run down his chest and abs until it finally absorbed into the towel. “Fuck, I did not mean to say that out loud.”
“It’s okay. You have a concussion,” the man said with a laugh. Despite the sexy deep tones of his voice, it still cut through my head like an icepick. “What do you remember about last night?”
“I don’t know. Where am I?” I didn’t recognize the room I was in. It was dark, masculine. Slate-grey walls, minimal decorations, and black satin sheets stretched over the bed. Who the fuck, outside of porn stars, has black satin sheets?
“You are safe. You’re in my room. Do you remember anything from last night?” he asked again.
The man rubbed the back of his neck, making his bicep flex.
No, bad. I was in a strange place with a naked man. I should’ve been freaking out, not checking him out!
“Did we…” I asked.
“Gods, no! I would never!”
“Okay, then…” After grabbing the pillow behind me, I hugged it to my chest. I was so not hiding behind the pillow. Okay, Iwashiding behind a pillow.
“Wait, that came out wrong. Last night, some men attacked and drugged you. You were unconscious. I would never take advantage of a beautiful woman, or any woman. Not that you aren’t beautiful, but… I am just going to stop talking now, grab some pants, and go get dressed in the bathroom. Then we will try this again.” The sexy man’s cheeks went a little red before he disappeared back into the bathroom.
Right… I needed to get the fuck out of here and get home. I was still wearing my shirt and leggings, which were torn and filthy, but was still an excellent sign. I needed to find my shoes and my phone. Phone first. At least I could have the 9 and 1 dialed and ready while I looked for my shoes.
I searched around the room. There wasn’t a lot of furniture, just the nightstand, a desk, and the dresser. There was nothing of note on the nightstand. Just what you would expect to find: lotion, a notebook and a pen, some condoms, and a phone that wasn’t mine and locked.
The dresser next.
“Find what you were looking for?”