Maybe he was getting my flirting tone over the text, or maybe I was reading this the way I wanted him to be saying it? Fuck, why did this have to be so complicated?



No what?

No, I don’t want to never see you again.

I rolled over onto my stomach and waited for his response while biting my lip.


So you want to see me again?

Isn't that what I said?


Honestly, I’m not sure. Double negatives can be tricky.

Yes, I want to see you again.

Heat rose on my face, and I was glad this happened through text so he couldn’t see me blush. The last twenty-four hours had been crazy, but I couldn’t help the butterflies that came at just the thought of seeing Rune again. I rolled over and lay back on the bed with a goofy smile on my face.

“Smooth Criminal” started playing on my phone. Weird. I’d never set personalized ringtones for anyone. Rune’s name lit up on the screen.


“I wanted to hear you say it.” Rune’s deep, velvety tone sent shivers down my spine. Fuck, his voice was sexy.

“Say what exactly?” Where was all this smoothness coming from? Did I know how to flirt like this before?

“I think you know what I want to hear.” His voice almost purred through the phone. Fuck, that was hot. “Say it, Victoria.”

“I want to see you again,” I whispered.


“I don’t know.” I really didn’t know when the soonest time I could see him without sounding desperate was.

“No, we are not playing that game again.” Rune’s voice was slow and deep. “You will tell me exactly what you want. I will make it happen for you. Any time you need something, any time you want anything, youwilltell me. Iwillhandle it.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that, aside from it being the sexiest thing I had ever heard. “I…” I didn’t know how to finish that sentence.

“When can I see you again, Victoria?” he asked.

“Tonight.” The words just fell out of my mouth. “I want to see you again tonight.”

“Good girl. I want that too. I can pick you up for dinner in, say, an hour?”

“That sounds g—”

A crashing sound came from downstairs, cutting me off. Then I heard a yell.

“I have to go. I think someone just broke down my front door.” A sense of dread sent a cold spike through my stomach. I had no idea if Sarah and Vivi were home. I prayed they had gone out to get food or something.

“I will be there in five minutes. Lock yourself in your room,” Rune said.