His somber expression turned into a very sexy grin. “You have been watching way too many TV shows. Demons can’t wipe memories, add new ones, or manipulate anyone’s minds. Well, some can a little, like Murmur can suggest things and maybe lower inhibitions a little. But we are talking two-to-three-drinks lowered inhibitions. He can’t force people to do things they don't want to. Life for any species is kinda all about the free-will thing.”

“Well, how am I supposed to know what is real and what isn't?” I shrugged. “But I have one more question for you.”

“Shoot, and if I can, I will answer honestly.”

“Will I ever see you again?” I bit my lip to steady my nerves. I didn’t know what I wanted him to say, but his answer was very important. When I looked back up at him, his eyes were wide, mouth open slightly. I supposed that was a dumb question, but it felt crucial.

He leaned over the center console and brushed a piece of hair out of my face and behind my ear. His blue eyes flashed again. “Do you want to see me again, Victoria?”

Did I want to see him again? I shouldn’t. I should just chalk this up as one crazy night and pretend I didn’t know about any of this. Go back to my normal boring life and my normal boring problems. But something in his eyes made my core clench. I wanted him. I wanted the adventure he promised. The danger he brought.

“Victoria, do you want to see me again?” He leaned closer to me, and I leaned into him and his touch.

He bit his lower lip. I wanted to taste his kiss. I leaned in a bit more, ready to do just that.

A knock at my window made us both jump apart. Fuck, I had been so close. I looked out the window, and there was Sarah, wearing her robe and dead bunny slippers, holding a cup of coffee.

Was this what it felt like when your mom caught you almost making out with a guy?

Sarah’s face said busted, and I knew I was going to get an earful.

Shooting an apologetic look to Rune, I got out of the car. Sarah may have been five foot nothing and a hundred pounds soaking wet, but she was scary when she was pissed. And if she was up before noon, she was pissed.

“So,” Sarah said, pulling me out of the car and towards the house. “I see you are making questionable life choices; you really shouldn't go home with a stray you find at the park.” She stopped at the door to look at me, really seeing me for the first time.

I guessed my bruises were bad. I could feel them, but I had avoided any mirrors. She looked almost scared for a moment.

Her eyes went from me to the space right behind me. “I don’t care how cute the puppy is.”

Rune’s body was warm when he came up behind me and placed his hand on my waist.

“You must be Sarah. I’m Rune.” He offered his other hand to Sarah to shake.

Sarah stared at it like it had offended her.

“I think you spoke to my friend Murmur last night. And as you can see, I brought Tori back in one piece as promised. The car isn’t done yet. I’ll have it dropped off as soon as it’s finished.”

I guessed they told Sarah I was in a car accident.

That was good to know.

Sarah held her coffee in both hands while she looked at him with her brows drawn tight together and her lips pursed. I knew that look. She was figuring out how much of his BS she was going to buy.

“Explain to me why if Tori here was in an accident, you didn't take her to the hospital. You said it was a little fender bender, but judging by the kaleidoscope of purple and blue on her face and the massive bandage, I’d say it was a bit more than that. Why are you fixing her car since all of that will be going through a police report and the insurance? If she didn't need a hospital, why did you take her to your place, not home?”

I knew I should jump in to defend Rune, or at the very least get out of Sarah’s line of fire, but I didn’t want to risk losing the warm fuzzy feeling that was radiating from Rune’s hand on my waist.

I didn’t pay attention to the conversation until Rune removed his hand and pulled out his wallet. He handed a full Dutch Bros stamp card to Sarah, saying it was from Murmur. Sarah took the card with a nod, then grabbed my arm to pull me inside.

Well, if Murmur wanted a chance with Sarah, bribing her with coffee was a good way to go.

“Hey, Tori, hold up a minute,” Rune called.

Sarah looked back at Rune as I pulled my arm from her grip. “You have five minutes, and then you will tell me everything.”

Before I could reply, Sarah stormed up the stairs and slammed the front door behind her. Rune walked up behind me, putting his hands on my hips, holding me still.

Leaning down, he whispered in my ear, “You never answered my question.” His warm breath sent shivers down my spine.