“I don’t know.” He leaned back, grabbing his own over-sized Styrofoam cup. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to stay and get to know you and your sister. I can even help you understand most of your powers. Even the ones that haven’t appeared yet.”
“I am not a weapons master, but your great grandmother was,” he answered.
“I would like that. For you to stay, I mean.” My nose tingled. My eyes were going to water soon. This really was too much for one day. “If Mom lets you live.”
Arik nodded, not cracking a smile at my joke. Instead, he looked like he’d been stabbed. His body went stiff, eyes bright red and watering.
A knock at the door saved me from having more of this painful and awkward conversation. I wanted to talk to Arik. I really did. He was my father. I wanted to get to know him, but I just didn’t know how.
Rune peeked his head in, first glaring at Arik, then looking at me.
“You’re awake,” he said, looking me over, his face blank.
Seeing him reminded me how mad he was at the dog track, how I had broken a promise to him hours after making it. My stomach twisted.
“I woke up a few minutes ago,” I offered.
Still no hint of what he was feeling or thinking on his face.
I’d been beaten, sliced to ribbons, and stabbed. He wouldn’t dump me while I lay in a hospital bed with a bunch of IVs in me and while sitting next to my long-lost father. Would he?
“Can we talk?” he asked.
Fuck. My. Life.
Can’t a Girl Heal before the Next Crisis?
Rune walked in, giving my father a dirty look with his lip curled. “Get out!” he growled at Arik.
Arik rolled his eyes. “No.”
“I’m your prince, and you will get the fuck out of this room,” Rune said in a menacing tone I hadn’t heard before.
It made fear run through my spine.
I looked to Arik, expecting him to be at least a little cowed by Rune’s show of aggression. Instead, Arik looked bored.
“You’re a child, with only about half the skill your father had at your age. I kicked his ass then. I’ll kick yours now.” Arik leaned back in his chair, casually crossing one leg over his knee as he looked Rune up and down. “Even if I wanted to leave, which I don’t, I’m literally chained to the desk and to Victoria.” Arik held up his arm, showing the IV, then the other, showing the chain. “Even if I could, I wouldn’t. I am her father, and I’m going to stay right here until she asks me to leave. I don’t give a fuck whose kid you are.”
“Really, Arik?” Darrius said, walking into the room. “A dick-measuring contest with Ulric’s son? You used to bounce him on your knee, for god’s sake. This is just sad. Why don’t I get you unhooked and then you two can take this in the hallway away from Tori? She has been through enough today. Let’s leave any other trauma until tomorrow.”
Darrius moved to the side of my bed and started looking at my IV. My gaze stayed on Rune who was standing against the far wall, his arms crossed over his chest as he scowled at Arik.
“Arik here gave you two transfusions to replace the blood you lost,” Darrius said, pulling my attention back to him.
“Thank you,” I mumbled, watching as Darrius flushed my IV. The taste of pennies filled my mouth. He then attached the IV bag. “What’s in the IV?”
“Just fluids. And a little extra silver leaf.” Darrius shrugged. “You probably don’t need them, but we are being cautious.” He turned to Arik and unlocked the chain attaching him to the chair. “Let’s get you out of here and give the kids a minute to talk.”
“Please,” I said before Arik could argue.
Arik stood up and stretched his legs for a minute before looking at Rune. “You touch her, and I’ll kill you. Your fancy-ass birthmarks won’t save you.”
“I think she has more than proven she can handle herself and anyone else she needs to.” Rune rolled his eyes at the two men leaving the room. Once the door closed, he moved to the chair Arik had just left. He looked at me, then at the bandage on my shoulder.