“Er, business associate.” I realized I had no idea what Ria’s family knew about the whole situation.

It struck me: I’d been selfish, letting Ria be part of my life without being at all involved in hers. I hadn’t even asked how her family were doing, besides paying off their medical debt. Maybe it was ‘rich guy’ guilt for having been able to pay them off so easily.

Then I remembered that our relationship was fake, and some of my guilt was alleviated. Some, but not all. After all, our relationship may be fake, but neither of us could deny anymore that there were real feelings under the surface. Though we’d certainly try, knowing us.

Thankfully, Ria stormed back in, followed by an exasperated doctor who was sweating as if having sprinted over here.

The doctor checked Ria’s Grandmother’s chart. “If you’re feeling okay, you can go home.” She looked up at Grandmother, and a little sternness entered her expression too. Maybe Grandmother was known around these parts. “Strictbed rest.”

“How will I cook? Tidy?”

“You are to do none of those things. You have enough family here, they can help out.”

Ria nodded. “Mom’s not well, either, but I can do the cooking and cleaning. How long does she need to rest for?”

“At least a week. Then limited exercise after that. She needs to work back up to it very, very slowly.”

“Last question. Can you loan us a straitjacket for the period my Grandmother needs bed rest for? Some bed restraints? Handcuffs?”

The doctor laughed. “Unfortunately, no. Your Grandmother just needs to be sensible. This time. We’ll give you a wheelchair to get her home, though.”

Ria muttered something under her breath that no one in the room could hear, then smiled professionally at the doctor. “Thanks, doc. We’ll get her out of your hair now.” She turned to look at me. “Can we use your car?”

“Yeah. It’s a little small, though... I can get a mobility vehicle to come. Just need to wait an extra while.”

Ria nodded. “Perfect. Thanks, Forest. You’re free to go whenever you want, by the way. I was worried this was a bigger emergency than it was.”

“No, I can... help out. If you’ll have me, that is.”

“Sure.” Ria looked confused, but also relieved. She didn’t seem to have the energy to question me like she usually might.

That was how I found myself wheeling Grandmother in the chair to the car I’d sent for, while she tried to trip me up with the crutches she’d also been gifted – I swear on purpose.

That’s also how I found myself sending Mrs Jamroz to pack a bag for me, to be sent over by courier.

And how I ended up moving into the family’s living room for the week, ostensibly sleeping on the couch but making nightly trips to Ria’s room.

Upon arrival at her family home, Ria and I surveyed the kitchen and living areas and determined there was a backlog of tasks to do here. I got to see Ria’s own perfectionist streak in full form: she wasn’t going to be able to cook in the kitchen until it was spotless.

She was slightly embarrassed. I could tell by her need to justify herself to me often. Things like: “I usually help out more, but I’ve obviously been a lot busier than usual lately.”

I’d shrug it off each time. “The only reason my apartment is spotless is that I employ a housekeeper. No judgment here, I promise.”

I did consider sending for Mrs Jamroz, actually. But I decided against it. For some reason, I liked the idea of staying myself to help Ria clean and cook and look after her gran. Maybe it took my mind off the impending Apollo doom. Or maybe I just liked spending time with Ria, no matter the circumstance.

It was when we were cleaning the kitchen that I realized it. Ria, engaged in scrubbing the sink, hair tied up into a messy bun, wearing yellow rubber gloves, must have been none the wiser. I’d rolled up my sleeves and had been mopping the floor on the other side of the room. The two of us, companionably engaged in domestic chores without needing to talk.

My realization: I was in love with Ria Moon.

I didn’t know what to do with those feelings, especially not right now, when we were trying to keep things stable at her family household. So I picked up the mop again and finished the job I’d started.

Five days into my stay at Ria’s, I received an ominous text from Jude in the group chat.

Jude:@Forest. Meet with us, tonight, mine, 8pm, please?

Forest:Ominous. Any indication why?

There was no response to that.