I wasn’t. But I didn’t like the idea that Apollo had a say in it. “I’ve thought about it.”

Apollo shook his head. “Keep it to yourself. If you tell him now, he’ll run for the hills. And then our plan will be in tatters. No money for yourself or your mother.”

“You’re probably right.” I wished I didn’t agree with him, but I kind of did. Now was not the time. That didn’t mean I was necessarily going to wait for Apollo’s say-so. But I didn’t want to tell him yet, anyway, and this was a good excuse to delay it.

In the back of Apollo’s car, I checked my phone. I was pleasantly surprised to see I had a message.

Forest:I don’t quite feel like the evening is over

Forest:Do you want a nightcap?

Forest:Just because Mrs Jamroz will be devastated if you don’t use the ‘feminine’ hand wash she’s bought for you

Ria:Yeah, alright.

Ria:I’m in the back of Apollo’s car.

Ria:Reckon I can just... redirect the driver?

Forest:I’m sure he knows where I live already, so, sure

I leaned forward and rapped on the translucent plastic partition between the driver and I. “Excuse me? Excuse me! I’ve got a change of destination, please.”

The driver glanced over his shoulder. “The residence of Forest Brock?”

“Erm. Yes, please.”

True to Forest’s prediction, the driver did indeed know the address. We pulled up at the fanciest apartment building I could possibly imagine. I thanked the driver, who didn’t answer, of course, and made my way up to the penthouse as per Forest’s instructions.

The door was unlocked, as he’d said it would be. I pushed it open tentatively, and stepped into an apartment that looked like a rental. An expensive one, at that. The lights were dimmed and gentle jazz music was playing, which only added to the apartment’s vibe of being a fake set in a TV show about rich people.

“Care for a drink?”

I jumped, then clutched my hand to my chest and giggled.

Forest smiled at me from the open-plan kitchen, clutching a glass to his chest, one arm leaning on the counter behind him. “On edge from meeting with my brother? I can relate.”

“Just some water would be great.” I was still dazzled. I couldn’t stop looking around. “This apartment is insane. It barely looks lived in at all, though. I guess your office really is your first home.”

“Mrs Jamroz tries to give it some personal touches. She’s fully to blame for the voodoo dolls, before you ask.” He indicated a set of four large dolls on a shelf above the cinema-style television.

“They are... terrifying. I do like the sound of your housekeeper. Do you have aswimming poolhere?”

“Unfortunately, no.”

“A jacuzzi? Hot tub?”

He winced as if ashamed. “I do have a hot tub on the balcony. A never-before-used hot tub, actually. Want to break it in?”

“I thought you’d never ask.” I flipped my hair over my shoulder in a silly gesture and made a beeline for the balcony door.

“You need a keycard.”

“To getout? That’s slightly terrifying.”

“Anti-Apollo security measures.”

“Woah woah woah. If you’re telling me I’m gonna need to ask your permission to get through each of the doors in this house, I’m out of here right now. With your permission to exit the front door, of course, m’lord.”