“No. I’m messing with you.” I kissed his still-confused face and smiled. “Yes, I will marry you.”

He gasped in mock-outrage, clutching at his chest. “Mary, Mary, quite contrary...”

I cackled. “You’ve spent too much time with my Grandmother. Come here.”

I put my hands around the back of his neck and leaned up to kiss him again. This time, he was no longer confused. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hoisted me up slightly so that our faces were at the same height. His lips were warm, and soft, and when they met mine I felt at peace.

And when I pulled back for air, he set me down gently on the ground, and I’d never seen him look happier.

I’d neverfelthappier.

When had we become so mushy?


To break our thrilled silence, Ria prodded me in the chest. “Do you have a ring?”

“Oh! I actually do.” I fumbled in my pockets for it.

Ria laughed. “While you’re looking. Here. Have one of mine.”

She slid one of the many rings she wore daily off her finger and handed it over to me. “My Grandmother used this to propose to my granddad. He turned her down, but I don’t think it’s bad luck. They still had a lovely life together as very close friends and co-parents of my mom.”

“That’s not... a bad omen, somehow?”

She laughed again. “No. If anything, a good one. Friendship must come above all else in a marriage. Or so I’m told.”

“Here it is.” I pulled the ring out of my pocket. It wasn’t much to look at, but I suspected Ria would find some enjoyment out of the backstory to it. “This one was inherited too. That’s why it’s so... well, it’s made out of wood. Like I said, my parents were hippies. You know they originally named me Forest because that’s where I was... conceived. I think this ring is actually made from a fallen branch of a tree from that same forest.”

“Ew! But also, aww? That’s weirdly sweet. If disgusting. But really nice?”

“Yeah, imagine being told that as a kid.”

“Wait, but what about Emory? He was your biological father, right?”

Here was the best part of the story. Or worst, depending on your perspective. “Yeah, I asked my parents about that one after I got called to Emory’s mansion and found out the truth of my biological parentage. If you thought the last part of the story was disgusting, you aren’t gonna like this one. I’m biologically Emory’s. But I was conceived... during athreesome.”

Ria looked equal parts amazed and horrified, which was the reaction I’d been banking on. “Oh my god! Emory Brock... and your hippie parents?”

“My parents claimed he had a brief but convincing eco-hippie phase. Sorry for the horror of that image. Ignoring the gross history of this ring... I thought you’d appreciate it over a fancy new one. Being that you prioritize family and meaning over... wealth. Though, say the word and I’ll buy you literally any other ring you like. Literally. Any ring in the world. And it won’t have to be related to anyone’s parents having sex, even remotely.”

Ria was laughing, but she was also crying, I could now see. She actually liked the ring. “No, I love it. It’s perfect. Thank you, thank you, Forest.” She slid the ring onto her finger, and covered her mouth, emotional as she studied it. Then she faltered. “Wait. Do I have to take the last name Brock?”

I laughed now, too. It was funny hearing the sound of my own real laugh again after so long being moody and mean. “You can have whatever name you like. Maybe I’ll take yours. You did say Forest Moon had a ring to it, the first time we met.”

She put a finger to her chin. “Let’s put a pin in that discussion for later. Come on, we really do need to go and meet the others or they’ll think I’ve been kidnapped.”

I texted my driver to pick us up and take us to Sylvester’s. It was a short journey. Ria was grinning in the back seat next to me. I was barely concealing a smile, too.

We got rushed from reception to the top floor by Sylvester’s security team – who were dressed far more flamboyantly than mine or Apollo’s, of course. Sylvester had recorded his voice as the voice of the elevator, which was largely disconcerting. And as background ambiance, a selection of his own hits played.

I rolled my eyes. It had been a while since I’d had the pleasure of visiting Sylvester’s headquarters, the testament to his vanity.

But I couldn’t be irritated by Sylvester at all. He’d stepped up to help Ria when I hadn’t been able to. I owed him.

We walked out into Sylvester’s office-slash-meeting-room, a vast room that took up the entirety of the top floor of the building and had a 360 degree view of the whole city. Stylish red sofas were the comfort of choice. The three of them – Sylvester and the twins – were there waiting for us.

I raised my hand in a sheepish greeting. I didn’t know what the general consensus was on me and my recent behaviors with anyone but Sylvester. “Hi, all. Congrats on the plan.”