“Just how flexible do you think I am? And won’t I immediately trigger the X-rays at the security gate?”

“I don’t know. You’re the spy. Come up with something.”

I mulled it over. Nothing was coming to me.

Eventually, Helli decided on the course of action. “There’s nothing else for it. We’re going to have to give you areally, reallyugly haircut.”

“You know there are such things as wigs, right?”

So it was that, two days later, I found myself, wearing a wig, waiting in a utility closet on the same floor as Apollo’s office for some kind of signal from Helli that it was time to get me into Apollo’s office or trigger 'code red'.

Ria:It’s really warm in here. Are you any closer?

Ria:I hope you’re not bottling it

Helli:I am a bit nervous. Just gathering myself

Ria:Okay, don’t take too long or you’ll find my sizzled corpse

Helli:Hang on. Something’s happening. Don’t move

Then the alarm started to blare. I waited. The next thing I knew, Helli threw open the door of the utility closet. The lights of the hallway, dim as they were, temporarily blinded me.

“Come on. Apollo’s engaged elsewhere. I’ve wedged his door open. You get the documents, I’ll get Jenni, then meet me on the roof.”

Ria:Sylvester, it’s time

Ria:Are you ready?

Sylvester:On our way

I followed Helli’s lead into Apollo’s office, then she darted off to get her sister. This would be the real test – whether Helli had been tricking me for some purpose all along.

On Apollo’s monitors, CCTV footage of the reception area was playing out.

Apollo was speaking to someone. “...with your child. And now she hates your guts.”

Oh my god. He was speaking to Forest.

Forest spoke. “Yeah, I fucked up.”

Entranced by the footage, I completely forgot what I was supposed to be doing. My heart pounded in my chest seeing Forest after so long. Well, it had been around two weeks, not exactly an eon. But we’d spent so much intensive time together before that, it had been odd and lonely to be without him.

Here he was, saying everything I’d ever wanted to hear. And he didn’t even know I was listening in.

I wanted to go to him. But the plan mandated otherwise.

Then I heard the saddest part of his speech: “I didn’t trust anyone to just be in my life without me having to prove my worth.”

Fuck it. I’m going to him. Plan be damned.

I sniffed, wiped the tears out of my eyes, and messaged Helli.

Ria:Change of plan. You leave with Jenni. I’m going out the front door

Ria:You’ll have to grab the documents from the utility cupboard

Ria:But I’ll buy you some time