“Let me cut to the chase. I think you’re nice, Ria. Too nice, just like my sister. I don’t think you’d turn me over to Apollo, knowing what would happen to me if you did, so... I’ll put my cards on the table.Nottarot cards.” She pulled a face at the memory of the reading. “I want out. I think you’re not on Apollo’s side. I think you’re pulling something over on Apollo. I want Forest’s protection, and I want to see my sister again. In exchange, I’ll give you the location of the evidence that Jenni and I had collected against Apollo during our campaign.”

My brain was ticking over what she’d just said. “The location? Why can’t you just give us the evidence?”

“It’s in Apollo’s headquarters. I can say that much – you’d never find it without my directions. But, like you, I’m not a spy. I don’t have the resources to get it out. Forest would, though.”

I pulled a face. “I don’t know, Helli. If I did work for Forest, he’d have to put a lot of trust in your word. Trust I don’t think he’d have.”

“And he trusts you?” Helli smirked. Then the smirk dropped off her face. She stood up. “Fuck this. I’m not paying my cat sitter overtime just to get suspicion and doubt from a holier-than-thou psychic. Did you cheat at that reading? You chose those cards in advance to sway me?”

I shook my head. “No. It was genuine. But hold on. Let’s discuss this. I didn’t say no to your terms.”

She shook her head, too, and headed for the door. “Nah. I’m done. You had your chance. Good luck, whoever’s side you’re on. Oh, and give Miguel the key on the way out. Don’t follow me, or we’ll both get caught.”

Helli left. The door slammed shut behind her. I was stunned. She had so little patience. Had I done something wrong? I didn’t think so. I was right to be suspicious of her. She was just quite prickly, it seemed.

When I arrived back, I found Forest in my Grandmother’s room, and the two of them were hooting with laughter like old friends. It was a sight both irritating and heart-warming.

Forest looked up, seeing me enter. “Ria. You were longer than I thought you’d be, so we’ve already eaten. Let me warm some leftovers up for you.”

He slid away before I could say anything.

I raised an eyebrow at my Grandmother.

“That young man is very decent.” She had an air of approval about her that I also found both irritating and heartwarming. “You could do much worse. Did you know he’s a billionaire?” She said that as mundanely as if she was sayingdid you know he’s a builderordid you know he’s a postal worker?

“Yes, Grandmother. Since we are business associates.”

Grandmother made a noise. “Pffff. You are clearly more than business associates. But if that’s the line you’re both sticking to, then sure. Either way. It’s been nice to have the help around the home. I have to admit it’s been quite relaxing putting my feet up, knowing that everything is being taken care of.”

I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish half as much without Forest. I really did have him to thank for keeping my Grandmother from escaping her bed rest. It was odd how he’d slid into the role of caretaker without a second thought. Odd, and very, very nice.

I went through into the kitchen. He was standing at the microwave. I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind and nuzzled my face into his back.

He hummed a contented noise. “What’s this for?”

“Thank you. For all of this help. You didn’t have to. I didn’t even ask you to.”

“I’ve had a nice time. It’s been no trouble. I rarely get a holiday.”

I smirked. “Some holiday. You could go anywhere you wanted for a real holiday.”

“Yeah, but when you can go anywhere, do anything, it isn’t so special anymore. This has been... special.”

That was it. I took him by the hand and led him discreetly into my room, barricading the door.

I kissed him. He kissed back, then pulled away to look at me. His gaze was soft and searching. I smiled. He returned it.

We lay down on the bed together and, facing each other, took off our clothes. I entwined my legs around his. He slid his arms over my shoulders. Our warm chests were pressed together.

And, lips meeting over and over, we pushed against each other. Forest rolled us over so that he was on top. He leaned on my headboard with one hand and used the other to run his fingers across my body, from my scalp down to the soles of my feet.

I reached for his cock. I’d been longing to touch him all day. I moaned as I stroked his hard shaft, squeezing his length gently. He groaned, and dropped his hips down against mine, grinding his member against my pussy. I wanted him.

When we had touched before it had been passionate, intense. This was different. It was just as emotional, but steadier, gentler. Intimate. Like we’d been stripped of our final layers and were seeing each other naked for the very first time, when before we’d never even been aware there were still layers left to go.

And when he entered me, it was to a feeling of completeness. I was filled, whole. He moved inside me slowly. The bed frame rattled at the slightest jolt. He covered my mouth so we wouldn’t be discovered. He silenced his own moans, holding them in so he looked like he might choke from desire. It was excruciatingly lovely.

I wanted it to last forever, but the greatness of my want would make the moment short-lived: I was close. The pleasure that swept my body was light, not intense. Like a gentle breeze that cools you just the right amount when you need it, not a great hurricane that could sweep you off a cliff, or into treacherous seas.