Forest:Fine. See you there


When I walked into Jude and Elsie’s living room I immediately knew something was up. All three of my brothers were already there, plus Elsie,sitting in a solemn circle.

I tried to keep things normal. “Where’s Olivia?”

Elsie answered. “With the nanny.”

Jude spoke up next. “Forest, as you might have guessed, this isn’t a normal meeting. This is an intervention.”

Sylvester snickered a bit, but even he was fairly silent compared to normal.

“An intervention? About what?”

“We were hoping you could tell us that.” Winston was unusually tense. I didn’t like that either.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I wasn’t even feigning ignorance. I literally had no clue.

Sylvester folded his arms. “C’mon, Forest. You’ve been acting weird. Everyone’s noticed it.”

“This is an intervention on... me acting ‘weird’? Go on, present your evidence then.”

“You’ve been fobbing us off with excuses. We thought you were busy with work, but it turns out you’ve been taking weekends off.”

“You’re watching me, now?”

“And then there’s Ria.”

“What’s wrong with Ria?”

“And your weird behavior at the event.”

“What, because I was enjoying myself? Because I decided to not work myself to death? Because I’m having a nice time with a beautiful woman – that means I must be in need of an intervention? Is that so out of character for me?”

“Frankly, yes.” Winston stretched his arms out down the side of the armchair. “Don’t get us wrong, if you’re happy, we’re happy for you. It’s just you seem a bit...”

“A bit what?”

Winston looked unhappy to finish his sentence. “A bittoohappy.”

I laughed spitefully. “This is ridiculous. Wasn’t I supportive, Jude, when you fell in love with Elsie?”

Jude was staring at me, trying to figure me out. “Are you in love?”

I knew I was. Shit. “Well – yeah – I might be!”

Elsie looked between the three seated brothers. “Lovecanmake you crazy.”

I growled. Not at Elsie, but the whole goddamn situation. “That’s what this meeting is about? You all think I’m crazy? What do you want – you think I should just keep pushing myself to protect all of you idiots, while the three of you gallivant about having the time of your lives? When do I get what I want then, huh? When do I get to have a life of my own outside of all this Brock family bullshit?”

The room was silent.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

I didn’t wait for any further justification from the four of them. I walked out, leaving the door open, and got into the back of the car waiting for me.

As if sensing my tension, the driver put his foot on the gas and got us out of there as quickly as possible.