Forest thought over it for a moment. “That was a risky move on your part. Apollo knows you’re interested in the twins now.”

“Does every move I make need approval from you in advance? Or would you rather I act on my intuition – which as we know, is quite trustworthy?”

“The latter, of course.”

“Well, good. Because it worked instantly.” I waved the burner phone Helli had given me.

“What’s that?”

“Helli dropped a phone into my bag on my way out. She’s not contacted me yet, but something stirred – either when I mentioned her twin the first time we met, or during the card reading.”

Forest blinked. “Wow. Good work.”

“Finally, praise. Thank you.”

He tapped the table. “It could still be an Apollo trap.”

I was getting more than a little exasperated. “Sure, but everything could be from that viewpoint. That’s where intuition comes in, yes? And to my intuition, she seems genuine.”

At that point, Forest’s phone started ringing. He picked it up, and his eyes narrowed. “I have to take this in private. I’ll be right back.”

“No problem.” I watched as he stalked off, phone to ear, wondering who was on the other end.

When he returned, he was in action mode. “Ria. I’m needed somewhere for the weekend. Do you want to accompany me?”

“That’s... just about the vaguest invitation I’ve ever heard.”

“I can fill you in on the way. Not here. But it involves my private jet, and going to assist in a... family matter.”

“Brock family?”

He shook his head. “No. Forest family. Jones family.”

I was maybe a little too excited at this prospect. “Oh. Wow. Forest Jones. Did you know David Bowie’s real name was Duncan Jones? Ignore me. Okay. Color me intrigued. Yes, sure, I don’t have any plans.” I’m sure I managed to play it cool, though.

Forest was used to my ways by now, and he was becoming unflappable. “I’ll get a car to take you home to pack a bag. I’ll have it wait for you – unless you think it’ll take hours – then I’ll meet you at the jet.”

“Erm, wow, okay. Right now? Sure.”

I took the car home. Grandmother attempted to intercept me, and I fielded her nosy interrogations while packing my bag.

Before I knew it, I was pulling up in the car alongside Forest’s private jet. It was only at that point that I realized – I was going in a private jet. Wow.

I had to strike up a conversation on the jet. “So, are you gonna fill me in on the situation, or just leave it a mystery ‘til we arrive?”

Forest was tenser than he had been recently. More like the old Forest. “My sister needs some help.”

“Sister? What’s her name?”

“Juniper.” He was tight-lipped.

I started putting two and two together. “Forest... Juniper... and do you have any other siblings?”


“Let me guess...” I waited for him to catch on.

He folded his arms. “Yeah, our parents were hippies.”