“Yes. Unless he has some grand master plan we’ve yet to see unleashed, he’s just been doing things to fuck with me... seemingly at random. He sent a tarot card reader to give me a reading, for god’s sake. He can’t have gotten that much insight from what I said about my cards. He’s just... doing stuff. And if something gives him insight, by chance, then great for him. If not, he’s not lost anything. He’s not putting all his eggs in one basket. Or even ten baskets. And I’ve been working like a fool, trying to come up with some amazing scheme to get Apollo off our backs forever.”

“And you haven’t had success.”

“Exactly. Because the game he’s playing is too chaotic to be able to determine. If he were someone that acted predictably, then I might be able to counter him effectively. But if he’s just sowing chaos, then there’s no predicting that.”

“So what’s the new direction, then?”

“It’s twofold.” I grinned. I loved using the word ‘twofold’. “One: I use his own moves against him. Two: I play him at his own game. Chaos.”

“And in practice, that means...”

“His move was to send you to me. I have to use you against him in return. Like I said, you’re dangerous. And... my plan needs to have a start, but not a middle or an end. It needs to be adaptable. I just have to sow the seeds of chaos, and... see what Apollo does. Then react. And trust that some kind of plot will come together for me in the end.”

“And how exactly are you going to use me against him? I’m not the mastermind you seem to think I am. You weren’t that difficult to manipulate.”

Harsh, but true, possibly. “Do you still have a line of contact with Apollo?”

Ria sighed, and looked a little guilty for just a moment. “Yeah. He said to get back in touch if I had any more information that might interest him.”

“I suspected as such. That’s perfect. I want you to go to Apollo and tell him everything that happened up until just before the point that I sussed out his involvement and interrogated you.”

“So thatwasan interrogation.”

“Besides the point. If I’m right about him sowing the seeds of chaos, he will propose that you continue our rendezvous, gathering information on me as you go. And I propose that you accept his proposal. You’ll be a double agent. One who is on my side, if you’re as keen to repay your debt as you seem to be.”

“And then what?”

“We drip-feed him incorrect information. The Russians do this all the time – a ‘disinformation campaign’. ‘Fake news’, in America. And you and I will open our hearts to each other, fall in love, plan our engagement... publicly, and in the watchful eyes of Apollo.”

“We fake it?”

“A fake relationship. Ace of Cups. That’s what you told him lay in my future, didn’t you?”

“I did.”

“Then let the prophecy come to pass. Let’s play into it. Do you accept, Ria Moon?”


The first thing I thought after Forest Brock, billionaire CEO ofBrock Industries, told me his plan was for us to engage in a ‘fake relationship’ was:man, these billionaire brothers arechildish.

Second, came a kind of thrill at the idea of subterfuge. Third, dread. And fourth, a kind of regret that our initial chemistry had been seemingly destroyed by the revelation of my supposed betrayal. Fifth, and last: I knew that I would say yes.

So, I did. “I accept.”

“Wonderful. As far as a further plan goes, I’m going to remain deliberately... flexible. Play it by ear. See what comes up for me to use.”

“You’re excited about this.”

“I am. I’m not sure why.”

“I do.” I pulled a deck of cards out of my handbag – the Rider Waite tarot. I searched the deck for the Ace of Cups and placed it on the table. “The Ace of Cups. Your fake future. Opening your heart to love, starting a new relationship. Generosity, compassion, inner peace. You, happy in your relationship with, er, me.”

Forest nodded. He was following me so far. “Yes, precisely.”

Then I found The Sun and placed it in its upside-down position on the table. “Your real future. The Sun. You left before we could discuss this card. I know you see The Sun as Apollo, but bear with me here. In general, The Sun is a positive card, even reversed. Ignore the symbol of the Sun itself and look at this child. Carefree, playful, young and vulnerable. The card being reversed doesn’t change that. But it makes it more... a plea to your inner child to come out and play. And maybe we could see the child as triumphant over the Sun. The child rides away without a care in the world... The Sun is stuck up there, in the sky.”

Forest nodded again, more slowly this time.