
“It’s a compliment, believe me. So, if your outward self is, in your words, ‘repressed’-“

“My brothers’ words. They’d probably say I was the protective one, too.”

“Same thing, considering you internalize your brothers’ opinions of you. Your outward self is ‘repressed’, ‘the nice one’, ‘the protective one’... then what’s your shadow self?”

I looked between Ria and The Devil card. I supposed my shadow self was horny. I wasn’t going to say that. I shrugged. “Maybe my shadow self is not so nice.”

She nodded, and swept away the card into her deck. “I’ve got an idea. It can build on this idea, this ‘shadow self’ idea, and it’ll help me know more about you, if that’s alright? There’s a twelve-card spread, the astrological spread, that would be perfect here.”

I winced. “Not astrology, too.”

“We’re using it in the same way as we use the cards. Just symbols. Are you daunted by it?”

“A little. Why don’t I get to learn more about you?”

“You’re right. It shouldn’t all be one way. Why don’t I give you a demonstration of the astrological spread by pulling some cards for myself?”

I liked the sound of that. “Yes. Perfect.”

She shuffled the deck. “I’m not going to do a full reading. I’ll just kind of breeze through it.” Then she dealt twelve cards out face down onto the table in a circle formation. “Each of these twelve cards represents one of the astrological houses of the zodiac. For our purposes, they represent a different realm of our lives – work, family, and so on.”

“So we don’t need to talk about astrology?”

“No. So the first card represents my identity.” She flipped it over, and smiled. “Okay, the Queen of Wands. I mean, this one fits quite well. Confidence, independence, determination...”

“Her robe is almost the same color as your shirt. But you don’t walk around carrying a sunflower, presumably. Do you have a black cat?”

“Unfortunately no. But, interestingly, that black cat represents the Queen’s shadow self. It can mean that she’s in touch with her shadow self. I’d say that holds true for me. I’m not, er, ‘repressed’.” She grinned sheepishly. “Let’s move on. The second card represents ‘resources’ – so finances, wealth, ownership, etcetera. And... the Five of Pentacles. Of course.”

She looked uneasy, and I felt the need to prompt her like she prompted me each time I was stumped by a card. “Why ‘of course’?”

She sighed. “I mean, what do you see? Look at these two figures.”

“One’s on crutches, and they’re walking through snow without shoes. Money troubles?”

“Money troubles.”

“At your rates?”

“Why do you think they’re so high?” She shook her head as if shaking off any further questioning. “Third card represents my environment – that’s extended family, siblings, grandparents, neighbors, friends, and my home. It doesn’t include parents or children, immediate family.” She turned it over. ‘Four of Swords’.

“I can’t tell if this guy is dead or sleeping. And if those swords are going to fall on him.”

She grinned. “I’m glad you’re getting into it. Well, it usually symbolizes a kind of reprieve. He might have been in a war once, hence those swords, but now he’s sleeping. And my home is a place of relaxation for me, in general, so I’d say that’s true. The fourth card is a bit confusing, as it’s ‘home and family’, but this is more about your parents, children, domestic life and emotional security.” She turned over the card. “Ah. The Three of Swords.”

It was an image of a heart pierced by three swords. “That one looks dramatic.”

“Yeah, moving swiftly on... card five represents your creativity. And I draw...” She flipped it over, and her eyes brightened. “The High Priestess!”

“One of those major cards, right? And look, fruit again.”

“Yes, fruit.” Ria nodded at me approvingly, and I felt a little warm glow, like a teacher’s pet. Idiot. “The High Priestess represents, to me, being creative through intuition, the subconscious, uncovering mysteries...”

“That sounds a lot like your pitch for your business.”

“Yes, exactly. This is how I feel most creative, as The High Priestess.”