And the masquerade-style mask that covered his face—a completely black one—only added to his hotness factor. It was like freaking Christian Grey was standing right in front of me, ready to whisk me off to Escala with the sounds of Thomas Tallis providing the soundtrack.

“Baby, you look delicious,” he said, setting his glass of scotch on the coffee table and walking over toward me. He wrapped both hands around my waist and pulled me tight against his chest.

“Likewise, husband.” I grinned. “Are you ready to have some fun?”

He pressed a sexy kiss to my lips. “With you? Always.”

“As long as it doesn’t include a fire or monkeys, right?” I teased, and he waggled his brows.

“I like it hot, Benny, just not like that.”

“Is that right?”

He beamed down at me, his blue eyes blazing behind the mask. And his hand reached down and slid a slow and seductive path up my thigh, taking the silk of my dress with it. He didn’t stop until his hand was right there, right between my thighs, gripping me where an ache had already started to throb. “That’s right. Mark my words. By the time we make it back to our room, you’re going to be begging for my cock.”

“You promise?” I asked, biting down on my bottom lip.

Kline winked. “It’s a guarantee, baby.”

Once I helped my sexy-as-hell wife into the town car, I rounded the back and hopped inside.

Nico, our driver for the night, pulled out of the resort and onto the main road, taking us in the direction of tonight’s plans—some kind of couples-only masquerade ball my wife had managed to get us invited to while getting drinks at the pool bar.

Initially, when she came back from the bar with our drinks and told me about the party, I wasn’t really feeling it.

But the more Georgia talked about it and the more excited she sounded, I couldn’t say no.

Apparently, this was a yearly tradition in Cabo, and this year, the event was being held at a swanky, million-dollar villa on the other side of the resort, that overlooked the beach. And like I said, my wife was pumped about it, rambling on and on about how this party was the exact kind of fun we needed.

And with the way my wife looked tonight, I had zero regrets about agreeing.

Black silk dress with a sexy slit up her right thigh, she looked so amazing, it was a damn shock I was able to control myself long enough to get us out of our suite. The temptation to remove said dress from her sexy body with my fucking teeth was nearly too much to bear.

But you can bet your sweet ass, that’s exactly what I would be doing later when we got back to our suite.

“Where are you two headed tonight?” Nico asked, and I took one more lingering glance at my wife’s sexy legs peeking out beneath silk before meeting his eyes in the rearview mirror.

“We were invited to some kind of masked ball,” I answered.

“The Masquerade Entendre?” he questioned, and Georgia chimed in.

“Yes! That’s the one! Have you heard of it?”

“Oh, yes.” Nico nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. “Everyone in Cabo knows about that event.” He glanced in the rearview mirror, and his eyes shone with something I couldn’t discern. “It’s averyfamousyearly tradition. Although, only a select few get to experience it, if you know what I mean.”

“Is it a fun event?” Georgia asked, and Nico offered a wink in her direction.

“Ohyeah, pretty sure everyone who attends the Masquerade Entendre loves it,” he answered, turning into a long driveway that was highlighted by the glow of lamps that lined it all the way until the end.

“Have you ever been to it?” Georgie continued with her inquiry as he came to a stop behind a line of cars in front of the stately beach villa.

“Ha! I wish,” he said through a laugh. “Sadly, my wife isn’t as adventurous as you are, Mrs. Brooks. Although, I have had the opportunity to bring a few like-minded couples like yourselves to this event over the years, and everyone leaves this party satisfied.”

Like-minded couples?

I tilted my head to the side, confused by his words.

But before I could try to decipher what he meant, the car gently rolled forward, came to a stop, and Nico hopped out to open my door.