“Which, by the way, while I have you on the phone, should I send the invoice for damages to your assistant?”

“Invoice for damages?”

“Yes,” he continued. “My grill, carts, basically everything was destroyed.”

Fucking hell. It had already cost me a mint to fix Kline’s boring Valentine’s plans, and now I was paying for the damages from his inability to conform to them.

Obviously, though, none of that was Haruto’s fault.

“Yeah, Harry,” I said through a sigh. “Send your invoice on over, and I’ll make sure it gets paid.”

“Thank you, Mr. Kelly. I will see you back in New York, yes?”

“Yes, Haruto. I’ll come in soon.”

“Good, good. Please do not bring Mrs. Brooks.”

I laughed as Harry ended the call, and I tucked my phone back into the chest pocket of my suit jacket.

It buzzed nearly immediately, though, so I pulled it back out and read the screen.

Whiny Whitney, it seemed, was ready to weep again.Fucking lightweight.

Wes: You better pick out your casket now, bro. I just talked to Kline, and they had a fucking FIRE in their room. I can only assume you were behind it.

Me: Wow, calm down. What’s with the dramatics? It’s all been taken care of, and everything will be back on track tomorrow.

Wes: Back on track? You need to shut this shit down NOW. Kline was still in decent spirits, but I have a feeling that’s only because he didn’t know it was you who started this shitstorm. If something happens again, I will not hesitate to throw you under the bus, blackmail or not.

Me: Relax. Everything is under control.

And it was. Sure, I was a bit defeated that the first big event I had arranged for Kline and Georgie didn’t exactly go as planned, but when I reminded myself of what was to come, I quickly realized that it was all good in the Valentine’s Day hood.

Don’t worry, Georgia girl. Ole Thatcher has made sure the best is yet to come…

Cabo, Friday, May 26th

The sensation of my hair being brushed away from my neck and soft kisses being peppered across my shoulders and down my back stirred me from the recesses of my dreamlike state.

Truthfully, I had no idea what I was dreaming, but I was certain it wasn’t even half as good as what I was feeling.

Lips I knew belonged to the man who owned my heart continued their seductive path down, down,downmy back, over my ass, and along the backs of my thighs.

Oh boy. This is niiiiice.

I fluttered my eyes open and turned over from my belly to my back.

Instantly, Kline looked up at me from his perch between my thighs.

Yes. This is definitely nice.

“Mornin’, baby,” he greeted, and I shivered.

“Morning,” I whispered back, and my thighs appeared to have a mind of their own, already spreading wide open at his words.

The look on his face could make the panties of a million women fall straight off in a blink of an eye. Thankfully, though, I was theonlywoman on the planet who was lucky enough to be on the receiving end of one of Kline Brooks’s signature sexy, swoony smirks.

I knew I was completely biased, but my husband, for all intents and purposes, was the king of swoon.