“And the fire department?”

“Also gone.” She nodded.

“And what about your good mood?”

“Wavering slightly,” she admitted, “but not gone entirely.”

Well, that was good at least.

“Good.” I smiled down at her, pulling her and the fire blanket into a tight hug. “What a night, huh?”

“Uh-huh.” She snorted. “I’m pretty sure this makes it official, though. I’m not cursed on February 14th…” She paused and locked her half-amused, half-terrified gaze with mine. “I’m cursed when it comes toanythingrelated to Valentine’s Day. Hell, me just uttering those two words is probably putting everyone around us at risk for something insane to happen.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” A smirk found its way on to my lips. “It was just a freak thing, baby. Tomorrow will be better.”

“You say that, but that’s what we said about today. Given my current state…” She shrugged her shoulders to emphasize the fire blanket around them. “And the fact that Istillhaven’t eaten anything, I’m not holding my breath.”

I frowned. This was not at all what I had in mind when I planned this trip, and I hated to see Georgie looking so defeated.

“Hey, silver lining,” I interjected, trying to lighten the mood. “At least neither one of us was standing in the lobby inMr. Handsomered underwear while the fire department was putting out the fire, so that’s something to be thankful for.”

Giggles escaped her lungs. “Oh yeah, thank goodness for that. A real highlight of the night.”

“C’mon, baby.” I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. “Let’s go upstairs to our new suite, order some room service, have a little ‘thank goodness we didn’t die in a fire’ sex, and call it a night.”

She grinned over at me. “I’m on board with this plan.”

It didn’t take long before we were in the elevator and heading up the twenty floors to our new room.

“Just promise me something, okay,” she asked as we rode upward. “Let’s just keep things simple for the rest of our time here. No grand gestures. No sweetheart dinners. This is officially just a trip since anything related to…you know…is cursed.”

Christ. Now she was even avoiding the wordsValentine’s Day.

“You’re not cursed, baby,” I reassured her. “Tonight was just a hiccup in what will be a fantastic, sex-filled weekend getaway. But yes. I promise, everything will be simple from here on out.”

“A hiccup?” She burst into laughter. “I have to give it to you, Kline. Your faith and fortitude to disprove the curse are admirable.”

“There’s no curse!” I exclaimed, chuckles mixing with my words.

Georgia just rolled her eyes, but thankfully, didn’t refute my proclamation.

One day, I would set her straight about this superstition.

The elevator dinged our arrival, and when we stepped into the hallway, my phone chimed from the back pocket of my pants.

As we walked down the hall and toward our suite, I pulled it out to find a new text.

Wes: Hey, man. How is Cabo treating you?

My eyebrows pinched together as I double-checked the sender. Wes was not the type of guy to check in after I’d forced him to give Georgia the time off. He was the type to grumble and ignore and make sure he got me back with subtle retaliation until the day I died. It was definitely him, though, and hewaschecking in, so maybe age was starting to soften him up a little?

Me: Hey, man. Well, considering Georgie and I are headed to our second room of the trip in less than 24 hours of being here because a fire broke out in our room, I’d say it could be going better.

His response chimed in mere seconds later.

Wes: A FIRE? What the fuck are you talking about?

Me: A hibachi chef came to our suite, and the damn grill caught on fire. The fucking fire department even had to come. It was nuts, man.