When I read a little farther, I found the instructions for how to find out were waiting right there for me.

P.S. Follow the roses.

It didn’t take long before I did just that, shucking my heels and taking off at a run down the hallway and up the stairs. Eventually, I reached our master bedroom, where my husband stood beside our bed with two glasses of wine in his hands and a glorious stripe of confidence painted across his perfect lips.

“Hello, wife.”

“Well, hello, husband.” I smiled back at him. “This is…uh…quite the greeting…”

His smirk blossomed into a megawatt smile as he handed me a glass of white wine, but he didn’t say anything else.

“So…uh…mind telling me what’s going on?” I asked, eyeing my husband inquisitively as I took a polite sip.

“Well…” Kline stepped forward and pressed a kiss to the corner of my mouth. “I know February 14th isn’t your favorite day, but I want to make sure my beautiful wife still gets to enjoy getting spoiled for Valentine’s Day, even if that means bending the rules a little bit.”

I tilted my head to the side.

“So, Georgie, will you be myreallyearly valentine?” He pretended to cough over the word “really,” and my cheeks started to hurt with my smile.

“I want to say yes, immediately, but…” He furrowed his brow. “Given my history with this holiday, I’m hoping you won’t mind if I request a copy of the fine print first.”

“The fine print?” he questioned, a chuckle following his words.

I nodded. “The nitty-gritty. The details. The exact plan you have, so I know how to properly prepare myself in case of emergency.”

He pulled me in suddenly, slamming a kiss to my lips and stealing my breath away. By the time he pulled away, I found I wasn’t all that concerned with the details anymore.

“God, I love you, Benny. We leave on a secret getaway tomorrow morning. Far away from February, far away from your parents, far away from everything. Just you and me and time to ourselves.”

“A getaway? Tomorrow?” I questioned, shock and awe in my voice.

He nodded, eyes shining with amusement.

“But it’s Thursday. I have work—”

He cut me off by shaking his head. “I already talked to Wes and got the approval.”

I stared at him for a long moment, excitement starting to build in my body. “Where…where are we going?”


“Cabo, Kline?”I questioned on a shrill shriek that made me thankful we’d moved to the suburbs. In New York, at least five people would have either called the cops or put out a hit on me. “You’re taking me to freakingCabotomorrow morning?”

Oh Mylanta, my husband was one swoony fucking bastard!

He nodded. “Beach, sun, and lots of delicious sex. You in, Benny girl?”

I almost opened my mouth to shout “Hell yes!” but one very important thought popped into my mind. I couldn’t go through pet-panic again. “Before I answer that—first, tell me who is watching the boys?”

“Don’t worry, baby, I didnotput Cassie and Thatch in charge of supervising Walter and Stan,” he answered, amusement shining in his voice. “I’ve hired a very qualified, fully vetted dog sitter to come stay at the house. Came highly recommended from Meryl.”

Knowing full well that Meryl was the kind of woman who took zero bullshit, when he said that, I knew with certainty that my boys would be in good hands.

Thank goodness for that. A huge sigh of relief escaped my lungs.

“So, now that we have that settled, what’s it going to be, baby?” Kline asked. “You ready to be my valentine and spend several fantastic, sun-filled days in Cabo with me?”

“Are you kidding me?” I exclaimed and jumped up into his arms, sloshing the white wine out of my glass and all over our clothes. But I didn’t care, and neither did he. Lips to his, I kissed the hell out of my husband. “I’m in,” I said, between kisses to his lips and cheeks and nose and forehead. “I’m in, I’m in, I’m in!”